Форуми / Unrelated / Offtopic / Looking to find some hosting

#1 16.04.2009 02:34
No, im not here begging for free hosting from you guys, however i am here to ask.. where do you get your hosting? im trying to find reasonably priced, reliable hosting. I'm not looking for anything big, just a simple plan.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#2 16.04.2009 02:41
[b]www.dutchcotonti.com[/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#3 16.04.2009 02:54
wow; not bad!
that hosting is pretty cheap
i may give it a whirl :-))
#4 16.04.2009 03:05
I have never used them, but my cousin swears by them as being one of the best out there. http://1and1.com
[color=#CC0000]Lazymod[/color] [color=#000000]Studios[/color]
#5 16.04.2009 18:31
Dreamhost is okay too.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#6 16.04.2009 18:58

Відредаговано: Joy (16.04.2009 19:25, 15 років тому)
#7 16.04.2009 19:42
Dreamhost Frover :)
.# Aragorn-pc // Turkish Information Technology's Underground World
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#8 19.04.2009 03:31
I got dreamhost, very satisfied :)

Quick answers on the support system also
#9 19.04.2009 04:06
# Joy : Check these Ones Out!
The 10 Best!
You Can get reviews for these WebHosts...and there all in a good Price!

The top 10 have unlimited Space..CHeap Prize.and you get good reviews!
#10 19.04.2009 15:44
Check out http://www.one.com They are really good. Been a customer since they started. :)
Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. - Bill Hicks

#11 19.04.2009 18:21

Enter Promo Code 50COTONTI And you can get $50 off for your first year.
Enter Promo Code 35COTONTI1DOMAIN And you can get $35 off for your first year, and 1 extra lifetime free domain.

If anyone uses these, the referral money will go to paying for hosting :)

I'm going to go ahead and lock it since I already know Dyllon got some hosting already.

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