Форуми / Cotonti / General / Extra fields

why are the extra field "Tags:description" surrounded by ...

#1 07.04.2009 20:37
why are the extra field "Tags:description" surrounded by <!-- --> ? almost tore my hair yesterday trying to figure out what i did wrong when I tried to add new extra fields to pages :-D

This is what i mean: (in system/core/admin/admin.page.extrafields.inc

<!-- <tr><td colspan="4"><b>{$L['extf_Page tags']}:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; page.tpl: {PAGE_$bigname}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; page.add.tpl: {PAGEADD_FORM_$bigname}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; page.edit.tpl: {PAGEEDIT_FORM_$bigname} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; list.tpl: {LIST_ROW_$bigname}, {LIST_TOP_$bigname}</td></tr> -->