Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Question

#1 08.02.2009 23:42
It Seem that some one has tryed to run a java script hacking a-temp and Failed, I Seemed that cotonti was able to stop the hacking a-temp, Would it be helpfull if i pasted the code here ?
#2 08.02.2009 23:51
well if it wasn't successful there shouldnt be anything to worry about.. but sure you could always post it.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#3 08.02.2009 23:59
well after rereading it looks like some took the souce of the main page

#4 09.02.2009 00:57
That sounds weird. Because that's filtered for sure and you cannot do the <script>alert('anything');</script> trick here or any Cotonti website.
May the Source be with you!
#5 09.02.2009 02:10
Thanks for clearing that up :)
#6 09.02.2009 03:09
Yeah... Someone also made a Hacking a-temp on PSPSchool... But they failed... Luckily :D