Need to move files config.extensions.php and mimetype.php from a folder system in the folder datas?

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38.5% 5
7.7% 1

13 Дата 07.02.2009 06:37

Форуми / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Опитування: Need to move files config.extensions.php and mimetype.php from..

#1 07.02.2009 06:37
What do you think is it worth to move files config.extensions.php and mimetype.php from a folder system in folder datas.

Your opinion
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#2 07.02.2009 06:42
i vote "Merge with the file config.php"
#3 07.02.2009 07:33
Merging may create conflicts and maintaining problems later, it is good the way it is. (datas/)
#4 07.02.2009 08:00
but it's simple configuration.
#5 07.02.2009 12:27
Those 2 files are only loaded in specific area's so there isn't much need for them to be in the main config. So, really it would just be loading data that is usually never used.

And mimetype.php is a very very advandced configuration. 98% of users wouldn't even know where to begin with it.
#6 07.02.2009 16:33
Agreed with Kilandor. And don't forget that config.php will be autogenerated with setup script.

So my vote is for just moving those 2 files to datas.
May the Source be with you!
#7 08.02.2009 03:36
Continue the poll, or dwell on the position of the majority?
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#8 08.02.2009 03:43
I voted to move to /datas.

I really agree that it is unnecessary in the main config.
Web Design Database -
#9 08.02.2009 03:47
I do not insist on the option "Merge with the file config.php" just added to for the democratic poll
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#10 05.06.2009 02:57
WEll it looks like these are moved...
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#11 05.06.2009 04:06
Gamer24.7, why bump a old threat from the archive?

Pls lock it.
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