Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Work in progress: Basic gallery with jQuery Lightbox


#1 05.02.2009 08:01
I'm working on a very basic version of the Seditio Gallery plugin. I've rewritten the whole thing and left out a lot of stuff that isn't really necessary for a basic image gallery. I did however add the jQuery Lightbox plugin.
Here's some screenshots.

What it does:
- Display a list of PFS folders which are public and gallery, with a random thumbnail from that folder
- Display thumbnails of all images inside a folder
- Display the original image with Lightbox
#2 05.02.2009 14:36
May the Source be with you!
#3 05.02.2009 15:05
Nice, Well wait for final results
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#4 13.02.2009 15:37

Any progress? I like to try it, together with the file import.
With this I can convert my old gallery (NOT seditio, but gallery.sf.net) to Cotonti.

... can we help you ...
#5 14.02.2009 00:36
Looking good :-X
#6 15.02.2009 06:36
Ok I uploaded my current plugin files, so you can download it here.

Note that this is a beta, so it will likely require some work.

As for the final release this will be somewhere in the coming months. I'm planning to include more functions and options, as well as more jQuery niceness. I also might enable the plugin to communicate with Picasa, Hyves or Flick though the APIs of these particular services, but this is something that I'm only experimenting with at the moment. In the end it all comes down to how much time I have and the effort required to implement such features.
#7 10.05.2009 05:15
just downloaded it, nice and simple, great not to edit anything :D
#8 10.08.2009 02:53

I installed it and it looks nice. Is there a way to get a next and previous button to scroll thru all the images in the folder?

In your preview picture it is there. But for me it is not working.
... can we help you ...

Відредаговано: pieter (23.02.2010 03:41, 14 років тому)
#9 10.08.2009 03:34
Hmm, I think this plugin deserves being listed here
May the Source be with you!
#10 10.08.2009 04:09
I dislike JS galleries)))
And What about comments and rating fot images?
littledev.ru - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#11 10.08.2009 06:39
nice plugin !
#12 10.08.2009 18:12
Yesterday I've largely rewritten this plugin (again). It now uses template tags so it is skinnable, and it works with the new PFS' physical folder system.

Added 2 hours 31 minutes later:

Ok, here's the Gallery v2.0.
This uses folder storage mode in PFS config for switching between classic and physical folders mode.
You will probably need to add a DB table column in sed_pfs_folders, named 'pff_path' (varchar 256).

Відредаговано: Koradhil (17.11.2010 21:43, 13 років тому)
#13 10.08.2009 22:12
- How did you made the mainfolders?
Or as you wish the subfolders. Because I love the idea to have subfolders.

- Can you add the next and previous button? Next and previous works in your example, but is not indicated. I have users on my site (e.g. my parents) that are not that IT minded and will not find how to go to the next one.
... can we help you ...
#14 11.08.2009 00:40
Subfolders are done using the new PFS system which supports unlimited subfolders. You will need this in order to be able to use subfolders in the gallery.

Prev/next buttons are included with the lightbox script which you have to install manually (download here).

Oh and I forgot to say it users Smart Image Resizer for generating thumbnails. You will need to put the image.php inside /datas and rename it to thumb.php.

Basically, this plugin isn't for everyone just yet. It requires some know-how to get it all working. In the end it will be compatible with Cotonti 1.0.0 Renaissance (which will include the new PFS and dynamic thumbnail feature).
#15 11.08.2009 01:17
great plugin ! I have install this plug on my site...for smart image resizer...support the PHP 5.1.0 ?
