Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Gallery of URLkiller


#16 26.03.2011 06:52

Kort, another question.

I use frame and get this: http://www.kruisstraat89.be/list.php?c=foto

I thought that the largest size would be the same.

this is the way you want thumb to be generated: crop is crop, height gives you height priority, width -- width priority, frame means the thumb will stay within the specified height and width

Added 20 minutes later:

2 photos are cropped to do a test.

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Відредаговано: pieter (26.03.2011 07:12, 13 років тому)
#17 26.03.2011 07:41

Did you check for unclosed IF-blocks?

SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#18 26.03.2011 08:20

I mean if I upload a picture with page_avatar. The width is always the same.

I use: foto|datas/fotos|thumb_-100-100 thumb200_-200-200 thumb250_-250-250 thumb300_-300-300|0||frame

I want the biggest site to be eg 300. If landscape width should be 300 and in portrait the height should be 300.

... can we help you ...

Відредаговано: pieter (26.03.2011 08:21, 13 років тому)
#19 26.03.2011 11:11

We're checking it right now...

SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#20 26.03.2011 13:48


Thx for the help. The result for the moment: http://www.kruisstraat89.be/list.php?c=2011-03

When will the plugin be released for Siena?

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#21 26.03.2011 13:59

We already have a version for Siena. Once testing is finished we will release it. Hopefully, next week :)

Добавлено 19 часа спустя:

PageAvatar 2.25 is ready for testing. Once we're done, PageAvatar for Siena will follow.

SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти

Відредаговано: Kort (27.03.2011 08:41, 13 років тому)
#22 27.03.2011 09:02

What is changed?
How to upgrade?

Is it possible that an extension with capitals is not excepted?
My Nikon D90 make xxx.JPG and not xxx.jpg.
And the error is: Cover image is not an image

... can we help you ...
#23 27.03.2011 09:16


  • incorrect "frame" thumb generation
  • ext uppercase error

For 2.20 -> 2.25 just overwrite the files. For upgrades from earlier versions save plugin settings, uninstall, delete the plugin from the disk, reupload, install and reinsert the settings (with proper corrections)

SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти

Відредаговано: Kort (27.03.2011 09:17, 13 років тому)
#24 29.03.2011 04:50

just to answer...


no i will not convert my gallery...
BUT most likely there comes a new gallery someday

URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#25 12.04.2011 20:40


I'm testing the paga avatar on Siena.

I use the following string:

But it is not cropping, it is resizing. And because it is square, my pictures are out of aspect ratio.

... can we help you ...
#26 15.04.2011 09:25

Page avatar is a great plugin.

If Kort agrees, I might release the featured content slider on home page, taking the avatar of the page and the text and displaying it in the fashion like in Nivo slider: http://nivo.dev7studios.com/

#27 15.04.2011 10:13

I do not mind. We, however, build sliders using the news and pageavatar plugins only. Genoa lacks flexibility abit, still this imho does not require any other plugins.

SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти

Відредаговано: Kort (15.04.2011 10:14, 13 років тому)
#28 15.04.2011 10:19

Kort, do you have an idea when the crop function in Siena version will be solved?

If it is, I can convert my site to siena.

Added 2 days later:

Howto: How to make a gallery with Pageavatar?


... can we help you ...

Відредаговано: pieter (17.04.2011 14:03, 13 років тому)
