Форуми / Cotonti / Development / DHTML Js Calendar


A friendly GUI to fill date fields

#16 04.05.2010 05:24
I now Cotonti since LDU... Totally from my point of view (user) - nothing changed in general. It still looks like something made on kneels - it has a potential and can be used to run GREAT sites, but it is not something attractive from marketing point of view. Looks like it lives for itself - to be fastest, with minimum weight, with big potential, BUT...
I totally agree with these considerations!

In Cotonti HomePage we can read:
  • Modular and extensible with Modules and Plugins.
  • Layout separated from logic. Templates render fast, no PHP skills required.
  • Client-side magic with on-board jQuery.
  • Easy to understand, easy to customize.
I think we have to make more TRUE these statements
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#17 04.05.2010 05:33
for donp

make smth like :
<div class="hide_date">{PAGEADD_FORM_EXPIRE}</div>
than with help of jquery hide block
next step^ find all elements of this date by select name
it will be something like
function updateSelected(dates) {
$('[name=selectedMonth]').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getMonth() + 1 : '');
$([name=selectedDay]').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getDate() : '');
$('[selectedYear]').val(dates.length ? dates[0].getFullYear() : '');
checkLinkedDays(); // Disable invalid days
blah blah blah

it is not hard/ it is not plugin. It is just TEMPLATE.
littledev.ru - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты
#18 04.05.2010 05:46
If it is not hard to do...
Lets make a plugin for it with custom tags something like {PAGEADD_FORM_EXPIRE_NICEGUI} for the nice looking GUI, with on the backend (hidden) the original cotonti stuff...

The two fields idea.... (I do not like that personally, this is waiting for shit to happen)

I do not have the time for it right now, maybe... later
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#19 04.05.2010 13:26
# donP : Ah no?! Everytime a user wants to insert a New in homepage and decide when that New has to appear and when would diappear... this is the most important activity for a frontpage site with many contibutors writing contents. At least 10-15 times a day!
Thinking big is good. But that's not what Cotonti is made for. You do not manipulate dates or deal with dates to the extent requiring that jq calendars or datepickers are embedded into the core. 10-15 times is nonsense and you understand it yourself. You've been shown a way to deal with your specific situation: if you can't get the job done it doesn't mean it is impossible.
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#20 04.05.2010 21:28
# Kort : ...But that's not what Cotonti is made for...

If Cotonti claims to be a CMF then we must study it to support any task or situation.

...requiring that jq calendars or datepickers are embedded into the core...
Me and Koradhil were just asking to make the core more simple and capable of hooking every plugin or jQuery script a webmaster needs for his situation, not to include a datepicker in the package.

...10-15 times is nonsense and you understand it yourself...
It would be a nonsense only if you have so much time to waste everytime you have to set a date setting FIVE select fields you could instead set with a simple click on a calendar.

You've been shown a way to deal with your specific situation: if you can't get the job done it doesn't mean it is impossible.

When a developer community becomes so hostile and one-sided is the beginning of the end ... I think we'll never see Cotonti expansion between CMF :(
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#21 04.05.2010 22:41
That is funny. I just experimented (and wasted time also) to find out that unless you post years or months ahead (which is weird) & want to change post time (which is twice weird), you have to just alter the date, which is (surprise!!!) same two clicks! Oh, if it is 31-Jan and you're looking at 1-Feb, than it is 4 clicks. Ok, make it 8. How much time is that? Does that compare to the time you've wasted on the calendars & debates here? Hell no! And I am not hostile.
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти

Відредаговано: Kort (04.05.2010 22:49, 14 років тому)
#22 04.05.2010 23:24
Debating with people (like you) that doesn't listen to other needs and look only in one direction (their own) is THE REAL WASTE of time. I hope some other people like Thrustmaster can treat me in a different way.
Otherwise, I can consider the great and hard work to port my site to another CMF sustained by a most open and collaborative community.
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#23 05.05.2010 00:57
Kort, that JS calendar just an example of user friendly feature that Cotonti is missed to became popular CMS. Right now when we have a lot of different CMS/CMF around - our CMS must be not just fastest or lightest - but most user friendly and original.

Mostly users now want to start new sites ASAP and after that extend their sites using live examples and learn on it.
