Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Avatars won't upload.


#16 07.08.2009 15:43
# SunChase : i found out that if the Hosts OS is linux(or ect.) then ".datas/avatars"(not "datas/avatars" is correct.You need to remove the dot if the host runs of a Windows hosting

I'm on a Linux Host BUT I ALSO had to correct the url killing the dot... :/
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#17 08.08.2009 02:00
# Trustmaster : You don't need to rename any folders, just make sure $cfg['av_dir'] is set to
$cfg['av_dir'] = 'datas/avatars/';
in your datas/config.php

yup that's what it says and I even copied and pasted your code to make sure that there was no extra spaces

now I'll try putting '.datas/avatars/';

Edit putting .datas in the config.php didn't work I'll make a list of everything I have done so far to see if I have made any mistakes.

I chmod the folders

then I opened up the php information thing to make sure that uploads wasn't disabled which it wasn't and everything else looked fine.

Then I tryed uploading different image formats e.g. .jpg and .gif all in the 64x64 px which didn't work

Now I am lost and have no idea what else could be causing this
#18 08.08.2009 03:28
Upload some avatar.pen your data base and open the sed_users in View mode.Look in user_avatar what is the directory of the avatars.
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#19 08.08.2009 04:16
i'm having a hard time following you.

so upload a file names avatar.pen into my database then open sed_users in view mode. then look in user_avatar.

i kind of get the second part but I don't get what you mean by upload some avatar.pen.

I really appreciate you taking your time trying to help me.
#20 08.08.2009 08:20
Open phpmyadmin and ...
there you will have a User_avatar colonn.It will have data about the avatars like data/avatars/1-avatar.gif
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#21 08.08.2009 10:23
here you go

I don't get why there is numbers next to it though. becuase that's not what they were named when they were uploaded, and there not all in .gif format
#22 08.08.2009 20:17
hm.open config.php on line 72 and replace it with $cfg['av_dir'] = './datas/avatars/';
i just looked on my host how the avatar directories are created and if its runing on linux your avatar directories should look like this : ./datas/avatars/1-avatar.gif
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#23 09.08.2009 01:20
it's still not working :(

but look at these, they have a dot in front of them
$cfg['plugins_dir'] = './plugins';
$cfg['system_dir'] = './system';
