Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Announcments at the top


#16 16.07.2009 08:35
Well, I really dislike your attitude KillerSneak. First I don't see where you have donated to Cotonti or Neocrome. As well I can't say for neocrome for sure if you donated or not, I know without a doubt you haven't donated any money to Cotonti, as I am the maintainer of that.

On another note, everyone helps out when they can, maybe someone doesn't know how to do this, or they don't have the time.

I started out with Seditio not knowing a thing, and this is where I am now.

If you need something urgent done for your site you have 2 options, learn yourself, or pay someone. People will help you when/if they can, but no one is obligated to help you.

As for what you want, it will require more than just a minor little thing. You basically need a plugin that queries specifically announcements and or stickies. While it is simple, its not something someone can whip up in 2 minutes. As also they have to change the normal query some how to exclude announce/stickies some how.

So you either have to wait for someone to do this, learn how to yourself, or goto the offers forum and offer to pay someone to do it.
#17 20.07.2009 19:54
# Kilandor : Well, I really dislike your attitude KillerSneak. First I don't see where you have donated to Cotonti or Neocrome. As well I can't say for neocrome for sure if you donated or not, I know without a doubt you haven't donated any money to Cotonti, as I am the maintainer of that.

On another note, everyone helps out when they can, maybe someone doesn't know how to do this, or they don't have the time.

I started out with Seditio not knowing a thing, and this is where I am now.

If you need something urgent done for your site you have 2 options, learn yourself, or pay someone. People will help you when/if they can, but no one is obligated to help you.

As for what you want, it will require more than just a minor little thing. You basically need a plugin that queries specifically announcements and or stickies. While it is simple, its not something someone can whip up in 2 minutes. As also they have to change the normal query some how to exclude announce/stickies some how.

So you either have to wait for someone to do this, learn how to yourself, or goto the offers forum and offer to pay someone to do it.

So you assume just because i don't want my name in that list no money was send? hmmm good attitude you have there yourself. Glad we got that sorted out as I don't like you neither. You know without a doubt your talking more shit out your mouth than your ass now.

Glad SEDETIO 1.25 is back on track as with your attitude, and all the miss information (wtf listening to the commnunity / making the CMS for the community etc etc etc all of this was/is BS as you guys are making what you want and don't listen to the community at all. This shows, as best plugs/idea's and add-ons came from the community and not you guys who keep adding shit to this so called "light weight" CMS.)

And WTF is this attitude with HAVE TO LEARN YOURSELF. I come here because you guys are the so called CMS developers and should know your CMS code from head / within 2 mins. So your BS lame remark "its not something someone can whip up in 2 minutes" is outmost BS as you should be able as DEVELOPER OF YOUR OWN CMS to "whip" it up within 2 minutes without even doing your best THIS AGAIN SHOWS!! the false remarks about being here for the community.
#18 20.07.2009 21:05
Then go back to neocrome community where "CMS developer" was listening to the community! No one's going to stop you!

In case you havent noticed(though it would be hard to notice with your head stuck up in your ass), COTONTI is implementing all those features that ex Neocrome community was desperately expecting in THE GREAT 125 version (subforums were the most expected thing and they got excluded from that version).

To make myself clear, I DONT TALK SHIT ABOUT OLIVIER, NEOCROME OR SEDITIO. Olivier did a great job, developed LDU, progressed with SEDITIO but he just didn't have enough time (due to his job obligations and his growing family) to include new things in Seditio and that's why community started to suffer.
He also gave a green light for the development team of Cotonti, and I can't thank him enough for that.

Cotonti is going in the right direction, but you don't seem to like it.

You also have the wrong perception of donations - people aren't supposed to jump every time you say jump just because you donated some €. It's a gift for which you don't expect anything in return. If you think that is the way it's supposed to be, than please, keep your money for yourself.

If you dislike this community, I'd kindly ask you to leave. I don't see the reason for your staying since you think that "so called light CMS" and people who are working on it are worthless piece of garbage who only care for themselves. Have you seen Trustmaster's new Ferrari? He got it by working on this project. Heck, Kilandor is even buying a new house. That's the third one he bought since he started working on "so called" CMS.

Programming is the thing I wont discuss with you because you don't know anything about it. Whipping up something in 2 minutes? :-))
#19 20.07.2009 21:12
Again, your still posting useless crap, Do you have anything usefull to say / add? Or is crap posting the only thing your good at?

And try me @ programming never said i can't programm, said I don't see the use of having a friggin forum for a CMS that can't answer normally asked questions for "PEOPLE WHO CAN'T CODE" and I'm not talking about myself here.

making a friggin plugin for Cotonti is a piece of cake, and yes i can do it within 2 mins so WTF are you talking your BS for again adding that it can't be done. If you can't code a plugin for Cotonti within 2 mins you shouldn't be calling/naming yourself coder(s)
#20 20.07.2009 21:25
Actually the way sticky/lock/annoucnement is designed, you can't do it with a simple query because if you use:
$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
ORDER by ft_sticky DESC, ft_lock DESC, ft_".$o." ".$w."
LIMIT $d, ".$cfg['maxtopicsperpage']);
It will show announcements on top, then locked topics and after that normal topics. The only obvious solution for me, without changing the database, would be a spaghetti UNION query like:
$sql = sed_sql_query("(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
LIMIT $d, ".$cfg['maxtopicsperpage']);
(it is system/core/forums/forums.topics.inc.php at line 311).

The last one will work for you, but speed is the price.

Added 3 minutes later:

And you could do it without a corehack, with a plugin:
/* ====================
==================== */
if (!defined('SED_CODE')) { die("Wrong URL."); }

$sql = sed_sql_query("(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.*, p.poll_id FROM $db_forum_topics AS t LEFT JOIN
$db_polls AS p ON t.ft_id=p.poll_code  WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond AND (p.poll_type='forum' OR p.poll_id IS NULL)
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
LIMIT $d, ".$cfg['maxtopicsperpage']);
Call it ft_order.topics.php and supply the ft_order plugin with some simple ft_order.setup.php file.

Added 5 minutes later:

And here is your ft_order plugin. I hope it is a good lesson to everyone here. Have a nice day.
May the Source be with you!

Відредаговано: Trustmaster (20.07.2009 21:36, 14 років тому)
#21 20.07.2009 22:06
Well thanks again Trustmaster atleast someone understands me ;-) Ill try this asap when i get home today and report back. Ill try the plugin version asap. I'm glad someone here is able to give a reasonable responce and be clear about it in the same post. Again thanks, people should take an example from you.
#22 21.07.2009 00:59
Trustmaster, you're my idol :0)
Seriously, I wish I had brains for such fast coding as you have.
#23 21.07.2009 03:59
Fatal error : SQL error : Unknown column 'p.poll_code' in 'on clause'

Seems to be an error with the plugin it doesn't work. Above code is the error i get
#24 21.07.2009 05:02
This code is for 0.0.6, sorry. 0.0.5 doesn't have poll_code. The query for 0.0.5 would be just:
$sql = sed_sql_query("(SELECT t.* FROM $db_forum_topics AS t
WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.* FROM $db_forum_topics AS t
WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond
AND t.ft_sticky = 1 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.* FROM $db_forum_topics AS t
WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 0
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
(SELECT t.* FROM $db_forum_topics AS t
WHERE t.ft_sectionid='$s' $cond
AND t.ft_sticky = 0 AND t.ft_state = 1
ORDER by ft_".$o." ".$w.")
LIMIT $d, ".$cfg['maxtopicsperpage']);
May the Source be with you!
#25 21.07.2009 07:27
Code still doesn't work as it should it's working half:

* Forum filters don't work at all anymore (Topics / Started | Last post | Posts Views)
* The newest post now go down the list instead of up (so newest post get's at the end of the list and not beginning)
#26 21.07.2009 07:40
I find it rather disappointing form KillerSneak and Kilandor to beat eachother up like that. There was no need for it. There's enough shit in the world, so can we keep this place friendly? Mkee, thanks.



Thx dude, apriciate your troubles..
#27 21.07.2009 14:50
That sounds a bit strange because
ORDER by ft_"
.$o." ".$w."
is still applied, so it should sort by date within of those 4 groups.

Yes, forum filters might stop working. I can't guarantee everything is fine with such a dirty hack. Seditio/Cotonti topic state/structure flags don't allow you to do it in a neat way.
May the Source be with you!
#28 21.07.2009 23:23
Looks like it's working half.

You can see it's not showing the newest active topics ontop, altough it does finnaly have sticky's ontop :)

#29 21.07.2009 23:40
I did not tend to affect active/popular topics. What that plug does is brings topics in this order:
  1. Announcements
  2. Sticky
  3. Others
  4. Locked
As active/popular topics are considered just "normal". They don't have special status, they only have different icon.
May the Source be with you!
