Форуми / Cotonti / Bugs / Archive / For Ticket #93

#1 23.10.2008 06:42
For ticket number 93 here a piece solutions admin.banlist.inc.
Inserted pagination.
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver

Відредаговано: Trustmaster (24.10.2008 14:10, 15 років тому)
#2 23.10.2008 13:52
Committed, thanks.
May the Source be with you!
#3 24.10.2008 06:48
For ticket number 93 here a piece solutions admin.polls.inc.php
Inserted pagination.

And for English we must add line
$L['adm_polls_on_page'] = 'on page'; // N-0.0.2
to /system/lang/en/admin.lang.php in section
/* ====== Polls ====== */

for Russian we must add line
$L['adm_polls_on_page'] = 'на странице'; // N-0.0.2
to /system/lang/ru/admin.lang.php in section
/* ====== Polls ====== */

P.S.Please rename the title of this topic with "For Ticket # 93 (part_banlist)" to "For Ticket # 93"
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#4 24.10.2008 07:04
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver

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