Форуми / Cotonti / Support / My files popup

#1 11.02.2009 20:35
Loa all,

Got a question about the "My Files/ File Space" Popup:
If I click the my files link below the textboxer it opens up it should, but it closes directly after clicking on 1 file it's link for thumbs, full image or direct link to the particular file.
Cause the smiley popup allows you to add more then 1 smiley when popped up, but the My files popop closes on a single on a item.

Is this as it was ment to be, or is there a setting that I can allow stay the popup open so I could add more then just 1 thumb or full image at once?



Just found where I needed to be:
If I remove the " window.close();" from the 3 functions in pfs.inc.php on lines 611 >> 625, then the popup remains open like it was in Sed.

<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function help(rcode,c1,c2)
	{ window.open('plug.php?h='+rcode+'&amp;c1='+c1+'&amp;c2='+c2,'Help','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,menuBar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=yes,width=480,height=512,left=512,top=16'); }
function addthumb(gfile,c1,c2)
	{ opener.document.".$c1.".".$c2.".value += $addthumb; window.close();}
function addpix(gfile,c1,c2)
	{ opener.document.".$c1.".".$c2.".value += $addpix; window.close();}
function addfile(gfile,c1,c2)
	{ opener.document.".$c1.".".$c2.".value += $addfile; window.close();}
function picture(url,sx,sy)
	{ window.open('pfs.php?m=view&amp;id='+url,'Picture','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,menuBar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,width='+sx+',height='+sy+',left=0,top=0'); }
[center][url=<a href="">http://www.true-gamers.nl]True</a> &amp; Honest Gamers[/url][/center]

Відредаговано: HarryRag (11.02.2009 21:33, 15 років тому)
#2 11.02.2009 22:02
This is not bug, this is a feature. :)
Many Sed users complained that "PFS does not work" - after clicking on the link "nothing happens", as the popup window to obscure the input field.

May be need to create in next release config value for pfs popup - "Close popup window after insert of link".
#3 11.02.2009 23:13
Never had that problem, also didn't have complaints about it not working properly, guess was lucky then.
But if the options as an config value would be nice to have, would save me from editing that files every update ;-)
[center][url=<a href="">http://www.true-gamers.nl]True</a> &amp; Honest Gamers[/url][/center]
#4 12.02.2009 00:59
We need more responses from users to decide about it. Probably we will add the config, but first we need more opinions on usability of this.
May the Source be with you!
#5 12.02.2009 04:39
Adding the config choice would really be prefered. I can understand why people opted for changing it but for example on my site I have to add multiple files many times by using the PFS pop-up. Having to open the popup, going to my folder, searching for the next file and doing that every time I want to add a new file would be a very bad way IMHO.

For the record, I have 217 Folders with 7823 Files. Imagine if I have to navigate through that for every new file I want to add to the page I am working on at that moment. That will increase work load a lot.......and annoyance to if you dont mind me saying ;)
<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#6 05.10.2009 15:17
Sorry for bumping this!

I feel that it should be implemented!
It's so easy to have the pop up when you create a news item, or a page.
We are about to restart our website, and downloads will be a big part of the site.
Common procedure is that the members will upload the files with pics into their pfs.
Then they will start to add pages.
I know that I will get massive pm's asking me where the pfs pop up buttons are...
#7 06.10.2009 16:42
My files doesn't close anymore for me I just updated to 0.6.3 on a site the other day and it didn't happen. I know it used to close
#8 06.10.2009 17:42
On this site it is the same.
After clicking, it doesn't close, but goes to background.
This is nice, because the user sees something happening.
... can we help you ...
#9 06.10.2009 19:31
It doesn't even goto background for me
#10 06.10.2009 20:30
In IE it does, in Chrome it doesn't
... can we help you ...