Форуми / Cotonti / Development / Siena Beta Testing

Bugfixing and evaluation cycle started

#28465 22.02.2011 03:17
# Trustmaster : Regarding to 3, in forums.topics use {FORUMS_TOPICS_SHORTTITLE}, in forums.posts I have added {FORUMS_POSTS_CATTITLE} in r1862.

I need it for recent-items. Will it work? I will test it know.

Comments is not shown in polls.tpl in the default tpl.
If I add it. I can add a comment, but get a more or less blank page.
After F5, page is reloaded and comment is visible.

Is comment_count available for Polls?

Added 1 day later:

{FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER} gives ID instead of name.
And link is: users.php?m=details&id=1&u=1
instead of users.php?m=details&id=1&u=pieter

So I get an error.

Added 21 minutes later:

This is the code for Polls in forum.newtopic.tpl

<div class="polloptiondiv">
<input name="deloption" value="x" type="button" class="deloption" style="display:none;" />
<!-- END: OPTIONS -->
<input id="addoption" name="addoption" value="{PHP.L.Add}" type="button" style="display:none;" /></td>

In a new skin I get:

Where are the buttons defined? I can't find it.
I mean the X and the ADD

Added 16 hours 15 minutes later:


This solves the problem from the link. But it is displaying the ID instead of the NAME.

Posted by 1
instead of
Posted by Pieter

{FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER} is defind not well for forums.section.tpl.
In forums.topics.tpl FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_LASTPOSTER is define well for subforum-part
... can we help you ...

Відредаговано: pieter (24.02.2011 20:21, 13 років тому)