Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / News plugin 0.0.6 sereous bug

#14797 23.07.2009 02:29
I found one bug,while i was trying to put out the news from 2 categories.
In the plugins settings i set up the main category NEWS ,and in Extra category i set up Articles.
I'w put both tags {INDEX_NEWS} and {INDEX_NEWS_ARTICLES} near each other, and made separate tpl's for them with pagination.

At the begining it looks fine.First all shown the new pages from NEWS category,and then the Articles.But when i used pagination and clicked on the second page started a serious problem:

All the Articles,which where shown on the first main page(by the NEWS_ARTICLES) appeared on the second page in the place,where the INDEX_NEWS had to be.But the NEWS_ARTICLES showed as planded the second page.

In other words:
Page 1:
INDEX_News:item 1(N),item 2(N),item 3(N)
INDEX_NEWS_Articles:item 1(A),item 2(A),item 3(A)

after clicking on the pagination:
Page 2:
INDEX_News:item 1(A),item 2(A),item 3(A)
INDEX_NEWS_Articles:item 4(A),item 5(A),item 6(A)

and ect.

Plugin: standart news plugin from Cotonti 0.0.6
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