Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Content Internationalization (i18n) of Sienna

#39187 11.02.2014 17:26


I need some help please!

I cant get the admin page www.sitename.com/en/admin when i use i18n and URL Editor with handy mode. The other admin pages (for example www.sitename.com/en/admin/extensions or www.sitename.com/en/page?m=add&c=articles) work fine. But if i try to get www.sitename.com/en/admin i get error:"One of the request parameters is invalid or has expired. Please go back and try submitting the form again. "

I have RewriteRule ^(en|ru|de|nl)/(.*) $2?l=$1 [QSA,NC,NE] line in my .htaccess