Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Content Internationalization (i18n) of Sienna

#34493 01.06.2012 11:18

I am trying to use this for the first time on a clean Sienna 0.9.9 installation and i am a bit confused how to get this to work with pages.
I got it to work so far that if you select the English flag the site shows in all English (default text fields) and when you select the Dutch flag the entire site (the default fields) are displayed in dutch.

I created 2 news items from which one in English and one in Dutch with a stucture like this:

1 en English
1.1 en-news News
2 nl Dutch
2.1 nl-news Nieuws

No matter what I do, the dutch news item does not show in the news on the index.php. It only shows when I add {INDEX_NEWS_NL_NEWS} to the index.php. But than it will always show (no matter if you select to view the Dutch or the English site).

I added the following to my urltrans.dat:
page    al=*    {pagi18n_url()}

This is showing an error as well every time: "Alert! this line contains callbacks: {pagi18n_url()}
No idea what that means.

I added the following to my htaccess:

Options FollowSymLinks -Indexes
# Server-relative path to Cotonti:
RewriteBase "/testers/xxxxxxxxx/"
RewriteRule ^(datas|images|js|themes)/(.*)$ $1/$2 [QSA,NC,NE,L]

# Pages with aliases only
# Language selector
RewriteRule "^(en|nl)/(.*)?(.*)$" $2?$3&l=$1
RewriteRule "^(en|nl)/(.*)" $2?l=$1

I am pretty sure I am doing something dumb but I just do not fully understand the instructions on the downloadpage and here in this thread (which to me look different as well which is causing more confusion.
Any help with this? 



<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />

Відредаговано: foxhound (01.06.2012 11:55, 11 років тому)