Форуми / Craftwork / Server-side / owencrypt - One way encyption class

#10198 19.03.2009 21:27
This is a one way encryption class that I made. Each string you give it will return a totally unique string of only numbers. This string cannot be decrypted and is a good substitute for MD5 encryption.

function owencrypt($text){$text = strtoupper($text);$text = str_word_count($text) . str_rot13($text);$text = addslashes($text);$text = sha1($text);$text = base64_encode($text);$text = convert_uuencode($text);$text = md5($text);$text = bin2hex($text);$text = strlen($text).$text;$text = strrev($text);return $text;}

an example of using this
$string = "This is the string that will be encoded!";
$encodedstring = owencrypt($string);
echo $encodedstring;
this will return:

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