Cotonti Mobile

Extend your cotonti website to display a mobile theme for your mobile visitors.


Cotonti Mobile provides website administrators with the necessary tools to establish a theme suited for mobile devices. Often mobile viewers see an extremely large, and ugly looking website, but with Cotonti Mobile it will display a separate theme exemplifying cotonti's major features in a fashionable way.

Live Preview:


  • The plugin portion will override the default theme (or currently user-selected theme), and display a theme suited for mobile devices, Mobile.
  • The theme will adjust itself to be compatible with any mobile device (android, iphone, ipad, tablets, etc)
  • Fully functional CMS designed for a mobile device


  • Extract cotonti_mobile.rar
  • Upload the /plugins/ directory to your plugins directory
  • Upload the /themes/ directory to your theme directory
  • Visit your administration panel, and click the extensions tab, and install Cotonti Mobile.

NOTE: This extension, and theme is coded to be compatible with Cotonti Siena (0.9.5)

1. esclkm  14.10.2011 08:41

may be screenshot?

2. Dyllon  14.10.2011 17:27

I'll raise your screenshot, with a screenshot + a live preview! :)

3. Trustmaster  16.10.2011 07:08

Great job! Works like a charm!

4. CJ  16.10.2011 16:17

Does this work on 6.20 ?

5. Dyllon  16.10.2011 19:04

Sorry, but no this plugin is only compatible with the Siena branches (0.9.x). I know for most people it is inconvienent to upgrade (or just the lack of ready-made plugins), but as a developer myself I tend to code for the latest thing.

6. CJ  16.10.2011 19:47

Not a Problem When the next Stable 9.X or 1.0 comes out i might update to it

7. Dyllon  16.10.2011 23:22
It's worth it completely.
8. elfrenazo  29.12.2011 14:58

Un theme muy útil, gracias! :)

9. Lover  24.02.2015 23:29

must be update... ? 2011

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