Cotonti Translator Assistant (CTA)

Эта страница еще не переведена на украинский. Отображен оригинал страницы на английском языке. Вы можете зарегистрироваться и помочь с переводом.

Cotonti Translator Assistant (CTA) Plugin is designed to give Cotonti translators capability to check for missing language strings in a localization they work on.
This includes:

  • main localization files located in system/lang/LOCALE/ (admin.lang.php, main.lang.php, message.lang.php)
  • skin localization file located in skins/SKINNAME/ (SKINNAME.LOCALE.lang.php)
  • plugin localization files located in plugins/PLUGINNAME/lang/ (PLUGINNAME.LOCALE.lang.php)

You can select and compare all or any language pairs from the above to make sure that all language strings are translated properly.
The CTA Plugin shines when you update your language files. Update Cotonti, run CTA, select files to compare and – viola! –all missing strings are in front of you. If you are new with Cotonti, CTA will automatically create (and delete if needed) a quick-fix localization patch with all strings missing in your locale replaced by the original English strings.
Experienced users can skip this and manually add missing strings to the main localization, skin and plugins localization files based on the info provided by the CTA Plugin.
CTA has no special installation requirements and shall be installed as normal.
Quick-fix patch is saved in datas/tmp/ folder, so make sure you CHMOD it to 777 (as specified in the Cotonti Installation Manual).
CTA Plugin makers wish to thank Almaz for his ideas implemented in LangCompare Plugin for Seditio.

1. Lombi  16.03.2009 17:13
Please consider adding the following features in the next version:

* support for configurable plugin and core locations
* fix for plugin not working if plugin/core location contains "../" (which it ignores by default cause it contais two dots)
2. esclkm  18.07.2009 02:35
3. ReAngel  12.02.2022 10:20

Please help!

The extension is incompatible with Cotonti version 0.9 and higher. Please contact the developers."

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