Skin Competition Round 2 Details

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The first round of Skin Competition is now over and it has clearly outlined 2 things:
  1. We have 3 obvious leaders.
  2. Web polls are not perfect for such contests.
So we decided to combine the Jury vote with Community vote and go for Round 2.

Every member of the Community can vote by taking a questionnaire. If you want to express your point of view, you must pick 3 favorite skins and give them points considering 3 aspects
  • Layout (1-5 pts): measuring general look & feel of the skin
  • Coding (1-5 pts): evaluating quality of XHTML/CSS/JavaScript code
  • Structure (1-5 pts): evaluating coverage of Cotonti TPLs, multilingual support, theme support and extensibility
Each mark must be provided a text reason why you think it deserves such number of points. At the end you give a short summary of the skin. And so you do for all 3 skins you choose.

Nobody can vote twice. At least 15 posts on forums is required to vote. Making useless posts to reach this count is prohibited. Comments for every mark is required in English, please use translator if you can't write in English at all.

Overall sum of the points will help us rank top 3 skins which get money prizes. These 10 people were selected as the Jury:
  • Trustmaster
  • Kilandor
  • Lombi
  • Azazello
  • Pieter
  • Sergeich
  • Rayblo
  • esclkm
  • musiconly
  • Dayver
Their specific points and reviews will determine which skin(s) will be used in default Cotonti package starting with Siena 0.7.0.

The second round will be closed on October 11th 20:00 GMT. All the results will be published the next day, including all the skin reviews.

Download the pack of skins for voting here:
The questionnaire is available here:

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