SypexDumper for Siena 0.9.18

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Sypex Dumper under CMF Cotonti Siena 0.9.18

Sypex Dumper plugin ensures the preservation and restoration of the database from the admin panel. The plugin is a wrapper interface Sypex Dumper .

#1. Setting

  1. Extract the contents of the archive in the plugins directory
  2. Set chmod 777 for the directory plugins / SypexDumper / inc / sxd / backup
  3. Set chmod 666 or 777 for file plugins / SypexDumper / inc / sxd / cfg.php and plugins / SypexDumper / inc / sxd / ses.php
  4. Install the plugin from the admin panel
  5. To register a unique name for the folder to store the dumps in the plug-in configuration. (It is necessary for safety)

Interface dumper is available in the admin panel in the other.

If the admin panel, you get a 404 error, then add in the main .htaccess file

# Rules for SypexDumper
RewriteRule ^(.*)/SypexDumper/(.*)/(\w+)\.php(.*)$ $1/SypexDumper/$2/$3.php$4 [QSA,NC,NE,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/SypexDumper/(.*)/$ $1/SypexDumper/$2/index.php [QSA,NC,NE,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/SypexDumper/(.*)/backup/([\w\.\-]+)\.gz$ $1/SypexDumper/$2/backup/$3.gz [QSA,NC,NE,L]


1. Macik  2016-09-10 21:45

Version for Genoa is here:

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