Freelance Exchange bundle

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Freelance Exchange bundle for CMF Cotonti. With this bundle, you can organize any exchange to search for performers for various jobs. Its  functionality provides flexible options for operation and further development.

Authors: Bulat Yusupov и CMSWorks team, Cotonti team

#1. Main features

User accounts with their personal pages (contact information is displayed on the personal page, as well as lists of published projects, works in the portfolio and in the marketplace); Catalog of jobs (job projects), the ability to publish jobs. Jobs search with filtering by region and keywords; Catalog of freelancers and employers sorted by specialization; Payment module with internal user accounts and the ability to replenish and pay for services; Included payment systems: Interkassa, Robokassa and WebMoney (separate plugins) and the ability to easily connect other payment systems; Paid service "PRO account"; Paid service "Paid place on the main page" (Users who have paid for this service are displayed on the main page of the exchange); Secure payment service; Reviews and ratings.

Extensions from this bundle can be installed on existing sites and used individually and only those ones that you need.

Or you can prepare a "build" that will use the built-in Cotonti installer to selectively install extensions from this bundle with the standard Cotonti extensions. This particular option is described below.

#2. Preparing for install

This is not a ready to use website build. To install it, you need the current version of CMF Cotonti, which can be downloaded in the Download section.

  • Download Cotonti. Unpack the archive into the directory of the future site.
  • Download Freelance Exchange bundle and unpack it into the same directory in which Cotonti is unpacked.
  • Set the write permissions for folders and subfolders in the /data directory: /datas/avatars, /data/cache (and all subfolders), /datas/extflds, /datas/photos, /datas/thumbs, /datas/users

#3. Install

  • Open your browser and follow the link: http://your-domain.tld/install.php (replace your-domain.tld with your domain)
  • Follow the on-screen instructions until the installation is complete. During installation, select the flance installation script and bootlance theme.
  • During installation, you will be prompted to select modules and plugins. The most basic extensions that are necessary for the operation of the exchange are ticked, but you can also select the rest if necessary.
  • In the file datas/config.php set the option $cfg['customfuncs'] = true;
  • Be sure to configure the Usergroupselector plugin if your site will divide users into different groups, for example, employers and freelancers. In the settings of this plugin, you need to specify which groups will be available for users to choose when registering or in the profile. If you need to create another user group, then go to the "Users" section of the admin panel.
  • In order to be able to attach files and images to projects (as well as to suggestions in the description and in the portfolio), you must also install the Mavatars and Mavatarslance plugins, which also come as part of the bundle.
  • Initially, your site will be empty. You can create your own categories yourself in the "Structure" section of the admin panel.

#4. Learn more about the possibilities of the Freelance Exchange bundle

#4.1. Jobs

Projects module

Any user can publish their job project on the site. In the job project, you can specify the location, city, price, section in the catalog (area of activity), the title of the project and its description. You can also attach various files to the project description. Freelancers who are interested in the published job can leave their suggestions on the job project page. The employer can choose the contractor or refuse the project to any Freelancer who left an offer. An employer or Freelancer who has submitted a job project proposal can correspond directly on the project page.

#4.2. Marketplace

Market module
A sectionforplacingready-to-sellgoodsorservices of the user.Eachproductcontains:title,description,imageandprice. Also, allproducts/services are categorizedin the catalogforeasysearch.

#4.3. Accepting payments

Payments module

This module is a universal mechanism that allows you to accept payments on your site.

Payments are accepted through Robokassa, Interkassa and WebMoney systems. Connecting other payment systems should not cause serious difficulties for developers.

You can use this module to accept payments in your extensions.

In addition, optionally, each user can have their own personal account on the site with which they can pay for paid services.

#4.4. Users Portfolios

Folio module
Allows users to exhibit their work as a portfolio. Optionally, the works can be pre-moderated before publication.

#4.5. Secure settlement system (Risk-free transactions)

Sbr plugin
The plugin allows you to organize on the Freelance Exchange website the opportunity for users to make transactions with each other with full coordination of all stages of work. In this case, the transaction budget is reserved on the website account before the start of all work and is paid to the Contractor after acceptance of the results of work on each stage of the transaction. In case of disputes, either party may contact the arbitration commission (the site administration). The Arbitration commission, by analyzing the internal correspondence on the transaction, makes an appropriate decision on the payment of the work performed to the Contractor, or on the return of the budget for the stage of the transaction to the Customer. The commission may also decide on a partial payment to the parties. In this way, all parties to the transaction are protected.

#4.6. User roles (groups)

There are two parties involved in the traditional freelance exchange, these are freelancers and customers. But we've improved the system a bit and added the ability to expand the number of service members. Now you can create your own roles on the site and link them to user groups for which you can configure access rights to all sections of the site and define your capabilities for them.

#4.7. Reviews

Any user of the service can leave feedback to other participants. The review can be either positive or negative, to choose from. Access to the publication of Reviews can be limited only within the framework of completed projects (configurable). By default, users can leave feedback to other users. If necessary, the feedback system can be configured so that reviews can be left only for completed orders, i.e., linked to the project.

#4.8. User's ratings

In order to identify the most active users among the service participants, a rating system is functioning on the site. Whoever has a higher rating, that user is more visible on the site.

How points are awarded (default settings): For visiting the site: +1 point, For placing work in the portfolio: +5 points, For the status of the contractor for the project: +1 point, For receiving a rejection for the project: -1 point, For receiving a positive review: +20 points, For receiving a negative review: -20 points, For the purchase of a PRO account: +20% to the rating, For the purchase of a paid place on the main page: +20% to the rating. The specified points values can be changed in the site admin panel. The ability to display top users anywhere on the site has also been added.

#4.9. Paid services

PRO (premium) account (price per month). A PRO account gives you the opportunity to stand out among other exchange participants with a special icon, as well as priority placement in the catalog of freelancers (employers); A paid place on the main page and in any other place on the site (price per placement). Ad blocks can be placed anywhere on the site and set different prices for the size of them. Placement takes place by shifting previously paid and for a period of 1 month. Prices can also be changed in the admin panel.

#4.10. Categories

The site's admin panel allows you to edit categories for all parts of the site, including: Categories of projects, types of projects (for example: Regular, Vacancies, etc.), categories of freelancers, categories in the marketplace, categories of information pages of the site.

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