Facebook Connect

Basic account integration between FaceBook and Cotonti. Provides quick login and registration.

#1. Features

  • Quick login for users of your site using Facebook Single Sign-On.
  • Quick user registration on your site using pre-filled Facebook data.
  • Link existing Cotonti accounts to Facebook accounts.
  • Basic account and API linking for use in other Facebook/Cotonti plugins.

#2. Download

Siena version is available here

Genoa version is available here

#3. Installation

  1. Register your site as facebook application, obtain AppId and Secret code there.
  2. Install the fbconnect plugin and put AppId and Secret code in plugin's configuration.
  3. Edit skins/your_skin/header.tpl and set FB XML namespace:
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" {FB_XMLNS}>
    Also add other tags, such as {FB_LOGIN} and {FB_LOGOUT}, in your header.tpl where necessary. See plugin page in Administration panel for more tags.
  4. Edit skins/your_skin/footer.tpl and add {FB_CONNECT} right before the end of the document's body, e.g.:

#4. More Information

You can obtain more information about Facebook APIs and social plugins here.

#5. Developers Information

Plugin developers may use following global variables provided by this plugin:

  • $facebook - an instance of Facebook class.
  • $fb_connected - boolean flag, TRUE if a user is currently connected to FB.
  • $fb_uid - integer FaceBook user identifier.

#5.1. Changelog

  • 2.0.1: fixed registration bugs, thanks to Kopusha for testing.

1. Dyllon  01.02.2011 12:33
2. aiwass  02.02.2011 22:53

The buttons and all work perfectly in IE 8 but they don't show in Firefox 3.6.13.
Can't logout after I've logged in via Facebook Login. Even if I logout from Facebook.com I just can't logout without closing the browser.

Other then that it's a cool plugin.
3. Trustmaster  04.02.2011 15:38
Tested on FireFox 3.6.13. Is that your browser security settings probably that causes this?

Do you click the logout button on your site or you first click logout in FaceBook and then on your site?
4. aiwass  04.02.2011 16:14
I click the logout button on the website, but I do think the problem is the browser, it's my .htaccess settings for caching .js files that causes the problem, since it's set to caching for 7 days. I will give it a try this weekend, since it's a brilliant plugin.
5. quicksel  01.03.2011 21:27
6. diablo  04.05.2012 09:42
An error occured, maybe a wrong URL?

getting this error after i register with facebook
7. quicksel  09.10.2012 09:46

I get this error after login is invalid routing

8. Kopusha  05.03.2017 21:00

Очень сильно тормозит весь сайт, скорость загрузки страниц с 0.3 секунды падает до 1-2 секунд. В прошлом проекте успешно использовал, такого вроде бы не было, или я не разобрался? Тормоза из за подрузки с ФБ двух кнопок в хидере? Или из за скриптов в конце страницы? Можно ли с этим бороться? Кнопки повесить (дизайн кнопок) свои и указать на них урл к примеру? Может есть какой то кеш? У кого есть позитивный опыт с этим расширением - поделитесь плиз.

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