A rich modern looking skin with improved usability and jQuery effects.
#1. Features
A complete set of templates, styles and resource files.
2 color themes: blue and dark, with dynamic switcher.
Internationalized. Comes with English and Russian language files.
Compatible with Cotonti 0.0.3 and later.
Comes with a set of ready-to-use plugins: Category Navigator, ContactUs, Overview, ThumbnailViewer, etc.
#3. Installation
Download and unpack files.
Copy "plugins" and "skins" to the root of your Cotonti site. Overwrite existing files.
Edit your datas/config.php, set:
$cfg['defaultskin'] = 'senator';
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'blue'; // or 'red'
Log into your site, go to Administration => Plugins and install plugins from the package (if needed).
#4. Credits
NB: this skin contains Graphics that is not yet internationalized (i.e. Russian). If you create graphics for your language, please post the link below.
I've uploaded it to the correct folder on my server too. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated because it looks like such a cool skin
Bedankt: 9 tijden
This is the second line like Trustmaster indicated
$cfg['defaultskin'] = 'senator';
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'blue'; // or 'red'
Bedankt: 263 tijden
Bedankt: 6 tijden
[quote=Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Block POLL_VIEW_VOTED is not closed correctly in skins/senator/polls.tpl' in Z:\home\kuxnya.ru\www\system\xtemplate.php:171 Stack trace: #0 Z:\home\kuxnya.ru\www\system\xtemplate.php(39): XTemplate->restart('skins/senator/p...') #1 Z:\home\kuxnya.ru\www\system\core\polls\polls.inc.php(62): XTemplate->__construct('skins/senator/p...') #2 Z:\home\kuxnya.ru\www\polls.php(26): require_once('Z:\home\kuxnya....') #3 {main} thrown in Z:\home\kuxnya.ru\www\system\xtemplate.php on line 171][/quote]
Как побороть?
Bedankt: 2 tijden
in line 3 add <