This HTML5/CSS3 theme for Cotonti is based on HTML KickStart framework.
This theme uses some features present in Cotonti 0.9.10 or later.
This theme was originally made for use with the following extensions:
This theme was originally made for a blog site but it isn't limited just to blogs. In the spirit of the original HTML KickStart framework, it provides you the basic building blocks which can be used to create unique themes.
Customize header.tpl, footer.tpl and style.css to start. Then customize or create custom templates for modules and plugins.
Use HTML KickStart Elements as reference to building blocks provided by the framework. Use CoTemplate debug mode to see all the data that the system provides.
Fork it, submit your ehnancements or bug reports on GitHub.
Bedankt: 7 tijden
downloading to retouch, my intention to alternative themes, thanks.