Admin Bootstrap is a custom theme for the Cotonti administration area. The code is hosted on Github, feel free to fork an modify. The download link will give you the latest trunk version. Versioned releases are below.
Based on Twitter Bootstrap 2.1
Includes templates for all extension tools included in Cotonti by default
Enhanced usability of the Extra Fields screen, among others
Includes templates for the userlist and user administration*
* Requires admintheme plugin (included) to work
#1. Releases
#2. Changelog
[v1.0] Added templates for all admin tools (extensions) which are part of Cotonti's main package.
[v1.0] Upgraded to the latest version of Twitter Bootstrap.
#3. Screenshots
Note: Some features require Cotonti Siena 0.9.10 or later.
Bedankt: 7 tijden
Nice and clean Gert..
some of your adaptions would fit well with the default package ;)
Bedankt: 74 tijden
Very neat presentation, Gert. Well done.
Bedankt: 7 tijden
Bedankt: 1 tijd
Nice :-)
Bedankt: 5 tijden
this should be on main pack
Bedankt: 52 tijden
Just released v.1.0.
Bedankt: 1 tijd
I don't know what I do wrong way but when I select Structure menu item the system gives me this answer:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Loop <!-- FOR {I} IN {PHP.pathfielddep|range(2, $this)} --> not closed' in D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php:649 Stack trace: #0 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(1240): Cotpl_block->compile('? <!--...', Array, Array, Array) #1 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(710): Cotpl_logical->__construct('{PHP.pathfieldd...', '? <!--...', '', Array, Array) #2 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(509): Cotpl_block->compile(' <tr>? ...', Array, Array, Array) #3 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(603): Cotpl_block->__construct(' <tr>? ...', Array, Array) #4 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(509): Cotpl_block->compile('<div class="btn...', Array, Array, Array) #5 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php(603): Cotpl_block->__construct('<div class="btn...', Array, Array) #6 D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate. in D:\xampp_54\htdocs\www\cotonti\system\cotemplate.php on line 649
Great thanks for any help..