Blue Monday


Blue Monday is een strak thema voor websites op Siena.

#1. Installatie:

  1. Download en unzip het rar bestand.
  2. Kopieër de map 'bluemonday' naar de themes map.
  3. Activeer het theme door  $cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'bluemonday'; in te stellen in datas/config.php.

1. lukgoh  2012-05-16 13:32

Good Job Twiebie. Looking awesome! 

2. schulle4u  2012-05-16 14:37

Thanks, looks like I can start another try to bring my cotonti website back online which is abandoned since siena upgrade. :) I see some localisation problems for example with date format, but this should be very easy to customice in tpl files.

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