Which CMS should I move to?

22.2% 2
55.6% 5
22.2% 2

9 Datum 2011-12-17 20:45

Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Poll: Time to give up ?


#16 2011-12-21 12:37

I think you are right. To some extent. Cotonti can never reach the popularity and user friendliness of Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal, so it's just a waste of time at this point of view. Yet there are people who are not satisfied with those 3 for some reason, so they look for alternatives. Also there are people who got used to this system over years and don't want to give it up because they have no need to. Finally, you can hardly make a valuable contribution in the world of Wordpress or Joomla, while in the world of Cotonti every new plugin or article is a major contribution and every reasonable suggestion you make gets heard sooner or later. I think these are the 3 reasons which keep this project going.

It seems you mean Siena when you say "its soo much more complicated than it used to" and that it's caused by plenty of APIs and functions you haven't seen before / aren't used to. Overall though, the code has got shorter because these new functions do a lot of things you had to do manually before. And you are not even obliged to use them. There are some arguable advantages like PDO which has been disputed recently, and we try to pinpoint them and find a reasonable solution of the problem. But the main problem is that there are new things and new things are often considered wrong no matter what they actually are, because it is quite painful for human beings to learn new things when they don't really want to. You have to do it though from times to times, no matter what system you use. Just choose the right moment to learn and stay with the old one until then. Some would argue that it is more profitable and easier to start coding for Wordpress and Joomla than switching from Cotonti Genoa to Cotonti Siena. It is probably more profitable, but isn't so easy: while Genoa and Siena are different at some points, Cotonti and Wordpress are completely different.

I don't want to prove somebody's wrong, these are just a few things worth considering.

BTW, Russian posts are filtered out on the homepage unless you pick Russian as your language.

BTW2, Olivier is relaunching Neocrome.net and releasing Seditio v151 soon.

May the Source be with you!
#17 2011-12-21 22:11

 http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/element.rukovodstvo_polzovatelya.otvet_205.pdf  - Это мой вариант развития  в Генуи модуля page.  Что касаемо "Russian as your language" я нахожу удобным кодировать и писать на том языке, который я воспринимаю правильно, например функция из этого модуля http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/bbcode_photo_205.rar

#18 2011-12-21 23:24
#32204 Sergey:

 http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/element.rukovodstvo_polzovatelya.otvet_205.pdf  - Это мой вариант развития  в Генуи модуля page.  Что касаемо "Russian as your language" я нахожу удобным кодировать и писать на том языке, который я воспринимаю правильно, например функция из этого модуля http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/bbcode_photo_205.rar


#19 2011-12-22 00:55

I watch a lot of projects just because I'm interested in the evolution of the project and enjoy the power of what a community can do. This place fits in that category, but I feel more connnected here than some other places ( even if I don't have a hand in the project ). This CMF isn't the same as another out there because it's not the same people. Comparable ? Somewhat, yes. I don't feel the goal was ever to become the most popular, but to scratch the itch people are here to get scrached.


As for how this project is progressing; I agree it may look slow and dying, but a lot of decisions are having to be made while this project is evolving and while the internet is continueing to come out with new concepts and inovations. The people working on this project have lives before this place and are doing this in their free time for fun, to improve their techniquies, etc. I like where Siena is going and love most of the changes coming with it. I believe Trustmaster & the people working on the project to be very level headed and just don't throw a switch on a decision that impacts the project without thinking. That allows me to have respect in what they are doing. I can only hope to feel this way about the matter until I get proven wrong. I don't feel lied to or mislead in anyway as there are no crazy "promises" being made. This is just something people are doing for fun and at their own will. I don't think one person saying their honest opinion would sway people one way or the other, unless they don't draw their own opinion.


Just stating my own opinion.

Siena isn't finished and still needs refining, but I feel that the path it is going is outstanding at this point. I understand where people are coming from at the same time, though.

Dit bericht is bewerkt door Xerora (2011-12-22 01:22, 12 jaren ago)
#20 2011-12-22 12:25
#32204 Sergey:

 http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/element.rukovodstvo_polzovatelya.otvet_205.pdf  - Это мой вариант развития  в Генуи модуля page.  Что касаемо "Russian as your language" я нахожу удобным кодировать и писать на том языке, который я воспринимаю правильно, например функция из этого модуля http://www.cotonti.com/datas/users/bbcode_photo_205.rar

[offtopic]In this post Sergey gives an example of custom module he has successfully built for Genoa. And he says that he prefers to write in Russian because this is the way he can get things done.[/offtopic]

May the Source be with you!
#21 2011-12-22 15:29

totally off topic..

Damn the cyrillic languages are difficult.. thought it'd be cool to learn some (basics), but wow... any of you guys know of a good site (found half usefull ones up to now, but nothing really good..) which explains more about it?

#22 2011-12-22 16:04
#32210 Kingsley:

totally off topic..

Damn the cyrillic languages are difficult.. thought it'd be cool to learn some (basics), but wow... any of you guys know of a good site (found half usefull ones up to now, but nothing really good..) which explains more about it?

Here you are. But usually you need just this :)

May the Source be with you!
#23 2011-12-22 22:16

2nd one is no challenge..

#24 2011-12-25 09:55

As said to Trustmaster this morning, it even starts with looking out how and where to post a topic like this.

Even not logged in this topic was visible, and i believe its no good for the community to show this to the outside world!

And then back to topic:

Working on the core is good, but working on themes plugins translations is poor.

No offense, i know i have been offline for a while due to work and family matters, but as starter with Pieter of the dutchcotonti, and doing the translations into dutch, i found out recently there popped up a new person Twiebie who started this. For years i've been doing this started with LDU, and Twiebie didn't even contact me bout taking it over asking for the latest translations to work on. So in my idea, where is the community feeling?

Seems like everyone is doing there own thing in Cotonti, but not sharing it...

Take a look at some plugins, paid versions but still no light versions to try for community people. maybe an idea to share it with community holders, and bring out a light version so others can have a peek and if their willing to have the full package, the the possibility to buy it!

But if this is the way how to handle its really sad. One of my websites i have ported already to WP, also because of all plugins available and themes.

And because of the way the new NL translator is handling i'm thinking bout getting in touch with Neuro to do the translations again for sed 151.

[b]www.dutchcotonti.com[/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch

Dit bericht is bewerkt door rayblo (2011-12-25 10:01, 12 jaren ago)
#25 2011-12-25 12:40

I don't like to go too much off topic here, but as I spot a few things that i've apparentley done wrong I would like to reply on this.

The Dutch language pack is something I really needed on a short term (few days) for Siena, and thus I deciced to build it myself.
I actually asked in the Dutch section of the forums if there was a pack available for Siena. But because there was no reply in time with a link to a language pack (mind you I needed it within a few days) I went on to create it myself for my own website.


After a few days I completed the Dutch language pack, and decided to put it up on Cotonti.com for the community to use, why not? With Trustmaster's approval the language pack was put on GitHub, so that the community could contribute to it aswell. I still wasn't aware of the fact that somebody else had one.

Almost 2 weeks after my initial post you replied that you already had a language pack for Siena, but as you pointed out yourself, (see topic) nobody posted the link to it, and I didn't have access to it. So how was I supposed to know...

And i'm not 'the new NL translator' as you are suggesting. Do I have 'translator' status?

#26 2011-12-25 12:48
did you even take a chance to contact me? Pieter anyhow is able to contact me anytime anyday. On the other hand how would you feel like if someone is taking over your job? All those years i've been translating with lots of pleasure, and if you needed the translation you could have made it foryourself and showed it to pieter or me to adjust to dutchcotonti. But as i said before there is no community feeling if we handle only on our own behalve....
[b]www.dutchcotonti.com[/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#27 2011-12-25 13:03

@ Rayblo

You are acting like he has broken a toy of yours. Come on man, he did ask. Not to you personally, but he DID ask. And nobody replied. Sorry, but I would have done the same thing if I were Twiebie. Like you said yourself; you are busy with work and family matters, and responded TWO weeks later.
Basically you are saying that everybody should wait with their work until you fins the time to respond? That's not how the world works, and it's not like there is a list with names and what they're doing for Cotonti.

#28 2011-12-25 13:34

Ow boy.... nice christmas spirit you guys.... sad  STOP that. A Community is all about sharing (Like X-mas)

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#29 2011-12-25 13:36
@ kingsley thats not the intention of what i meant and not eacy to explain outside your own language. My point is : als groep moet je samenwerken, samenwerki g is er in mijn idee niet. Je hebt cotonti, een russische, en nederlandse variant. Als ik kijk naar de nl kant gebeurt er weinig. En ik doe geen aanval naar tweebie, maar bedoelde te zeggen, dat idd het vrij is om je aanpassing te doen, maar neem dan ook even contact op met de nl community. Staat wel zo netjes denk ik. Heb zelf ook eerder een poging gedaan om als nl community een correcte vertaling op te zetten maar animo is er amper. Samenwerking/communicatie/info delen is nodig om een goed cms neer te zetten denk ik
[b]www.dutchcotonti.com[/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#30 2011-12-25 13:44

Oke, maar mijn opmerking blijft alsnog staan, hij vroeg en niemand reageerde (ook ik niet). Dan zou ik het ook zelf gedaan hebben.

Maybe a good idea to create a list of who's doing what? so that (if neccessary) people can contact the needed person directly? (smart thing is to do that for members only, not a public list..)

@ez Uhm, I don't do x-mass (I do not believe in a deity) so no x-mass spirit here. besides that, we are discussing things here, and a discussion is no where without a little headbutting and pointing fingers. It's how you get things done, get people on one line, and create more understanding towards one and another. Old guy like you should know that ;)
