Cotonti Siena 0.9.21

21th release of Siena

#1. About Siena

If you are a new to Cotonti — please read a brief info about this CMF and its requirements.

See detailed instructions for first-time install or updating guides.


#2. Release info

#2.1. Whats new:

  • Removed outdated 'news' plugin. Please use 'Index news' instead.
  • The CotDB class has been rewritten. We have taken the first step to using different databases, not just MySQL.
  • The cot_import_date() function can now accept string values. Date/time values ​​are allowed in any format that the strtotime() function supports. See: This makes it easier to use different datepickers on the frontend.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Htmlpurifier updated to version 4.15.0
  • Improvements in 'i18n' plugin. (Support for multilingual content in core and extensions)
  • Several improvements and fixes

#2.2. For more detailed info see:

Commits list

Closed 0.9.21 issues


#3. Updating from previous versions

  • For updating from previous Siena version — see instructions here.
  • For upgrading from Genoa — see this document (you will also need files from cotonti-legacy to perform the upgrade).

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