Siena 0.9.8 is available

Thanks to the increasing interest for Cotonti Siena in the community during last 2 months, together we have found and solved over 33 bugs and made about 20 requested enhancements. The most important features in this release include:

  • Extension categories. Plugins are grouped by category in the Installer and there is Category View in Administration / Extensions.
  • A “Multihost” mode which allows the site to run on multiple host names and ports. See $cfg['multihost'] in config.php.
  • Built-in CAPTCHA management and Security section in Configuration.
  • Extra fields are supported in Forums, Comments and Contact.
  • An option to log out from all devices at once.
  • Category filter in Recent Items plugin.

Visit the release page to see other new features and more details.

By the way, do you have a cool site running Cotonti? Don't forget to add it to our showcase. It helps to demonstrate the newcomers what can be done using this wonderful system.

1. Kingsley  2012-04-03 11:28

Yeah! a step closer to 1.0 :) thx for the hard work guys!

2. Twiebie  2012-04-03 13:13

Thanks for another great update in the Siena branch!

3. elfrenazo  2012-04-04 19:28
4. Dayver  2012-04-04 22:39

В списке изменений есть правка сетап файла CKEditor которая затрагивает его версию но изменения самого редактора не происходили! Это просто в прошлых релизах при обновлении редактора забыли поправить его версию в сетапе плагина, а сделали это сейчас? - я правильно понял?

5. Trustmaster  2012-04-05 06:11

Dayver, верно.

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