Forums / Cotonti / Support / Simple Question

blocks and links navigation?

#36695 2013-01-05 19:20

Hi eksplode,

You can manage these blocks in the .tpl files of your website.

For example if you want to remove the polls on the index, open index.tpl in your theme folder (themes/nemesis/index.tpl)

Find the block:

<!-- IF {INDEX_POLLS} -->
<div class="block">
    <h2 class="polls">{PHP.L.Polls}</h2>
<!-- ENDIF -->

You can then simply remove it, change it, style it, etc.

The top main navigation is in the header.tpl file. Just open the file and look for:

	<ul id="nav" class="body">
			<a href="{PHP.cfg.mainurl}" title="{PHP.L.Home}">
				<span>Start here</span>
		<!-- IF {PHP.cot_modules.forums} -->
			<a href="{PHP|cot_url('forums')}" title="{PHP.L.Forums}">
		<!-- ENDIF -->
			<a href="{PHP|cot_url('page','c=news')}" title="{PHP.L.News}">
				<span>Our updates</span>
		<!-- IF {PHP.cot_modules.rss} -->
			<a href="{PHP|cot_url('rss')}" title="{PHP.L.RSS_Feeds}">
				<span>Subscribe me</span>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

Here is some more information:


This post was edited by Twiebie (2013-01-05 21:43, 11 years ago)