SecurImage CAPTCHA

SecurImage CAPTCHA Plugin is based on the SecurImage class by Drew Phillips

Cotonti Siena version can be downloaded here.

#1. Requirements

If you use Cotonti Genoa, then this plugin is recommended for use with CAPTCHA Manager. However, it can be used as a single CAPTCHA solution for the website.

There is no such requirement for Cotonti Siena.

#2. Demo

Visit Cotonti CAPTCHA Demopage to see SecurImage CAPTCHA plugin in action (CAPTCHA Manager is set to "Random CAPTCHA").

#3. Installation

  1. Unpack, upload and install the plugin
  2. Configure the plugin (inc/securimages.php)
  3. Add tags in users.register.tpl: {USERS_REGISTER_VERIFYIMG} and {USERS_REGISTER_VERIFYINPUT}

#4. API

Use of SecurImage CAPTCHA in plugins:
To insert image use:

$my_captcha_img = cot_captcha_generate();

the function returns picture html-code
For validity checks use:

$rverify = cot_import('rverify', 'P', 'ALP');

if (!cot_captcha_validate($rverify))
	cot_error('captcha_verification_failed', 'rverify');


1. vahram.papaxchyan  2015-02-19 14:57

Sorry for stupid question, but i am new in cotonti, where must i insert this codes?

2. Dayver  2015-02-21 01:37

Paragraph 4 need only if you make plugin in other cases, the instructions in paragraph 3, it suffices

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