Page Delete button


Page deletion button

Extension for Cotonti CMF. Adds user friendly delete button to page edit form

#1. Description

Adds user friendly delete button to page edit form. So you can (if you have admin rights) delete pages in one click. By default changes standard radio button control for page delete. You can manually insert delete button in any place within edit form in page.edit.tpl template.

#2. Features

  • Works out from the box
  • One-click button to delete page
  • Allow to restrict user to delete own pages

#3. Demo page

No demo page. Just install and try to edit you page. demo screenshot

#4. Requirements

Current version works in Cotonti Siena v0.9.14 and tested with several theme.

#4.1. Compatibility

Can work on older Siena versions but not tested. If you have own complicated theme try to changepage.edit.tpl and/or resource string $R['page_delete']


Plugin works out from the box.

#4.3. How extension works

Simply changes standard control with delete button or use {PAGEEDIT_FORM_DELETE} tag in page.edit.tpl.

#5. Install

  • Unpack, copy files to root folder of your site.
  • Install via Admin → Extensions menu (Administration panel → Extensions)
  • Checks setting in config (Administration panel → Extensions → pagedelbtn → Configuration).


To see this Extension in action - open page edit form.

#6. Licence

Distributed under BSD license.

#7. Author

Andrey Matsovkin

#8. References

1. Twiebie  2013-09-21 15:34

Maybe add an option for a confirmation? Without a confirmation a page is deleted if you accidentely click on the button.

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