Battlefield 3 Server Status

This plugin displays information about your Battlefield 3 server.
The BF3 Server Status plugin will save the data in your website's cache to minimize traffic and maintain performance.

#1. Features

  • A basic index version and a standalone version with more information are included.
  • Easy installation.
  • Shows IP, port, current players, gamemode, current map, platform, preset, country, map rotation, server banner. 
  • Can be extended with more data by using the BF3Stats API.

#2. Installation

  • Download and extract the plugin to your Cotonti plugins folder.
  • Install the plugin in the administration panel.
  • Enter your BF3Stats server ID in the plugins' configuration.
    Your server ID can be found by searching for your server on BF3Stats.
  • To include the plugin on your index you can use the tag: {BF3S_INDEX}

#3. Links

GitHub repo

1. Kingsley  2012-09-09 14:51

Example can be found on:

2. elfrenazo  2012-09-09 22:08

interesting. Thank you.

3. coskun  2012-09-29 07:18


4. Raylandar  2016-04-08 13:35

Broken link

5. Macik  2016-09-10 22:22
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