
Replaces URLs associated with a whitelisted group of providers with embedded media content based on the oEmbed format.

#1. How it works

#1.1. Automatic Embedding

Simply add a URL on it's own line for one of the supported providers into a forum post, page, or comment text body and it will replace the URL with embedded media from the provider in it's place.

Example Usage

Ya, that's sounds about right.

#2. BBCode Embedding (usable in every parser)

Use the BBCode [embed]url here[/embed] to embed anywhere in your text body:

Example Usage

Lorem ipsum dolor [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx50HspXtWA[/embed] sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore  magna  aliqua.

The embed BBCode also takes height and width attributes:

Example Usage

[embed width="200" height="200"]url here[/embed]

#3. Supported parsers

  • HTML (formatted by CKEditor)
  • BBCode
  • Plain/None

#4. Supported areas

  • Forum posts
  • Comments
  • News
  • Pages
  • Pagelist

#5. Supported providers

  • Twitter
  • Flickr
  • YouTube
  • Hulu
  • blip
  • Vimeo
  • Smugmug
  • Viddler
  • qik
  • Revision3
  • Photobucket
  • Slideshare
  • Scribd
  • SoundCloud
  • Instagram
  • Funny or Die

#6. Installation

  1. Download, unpack and move the oembed folder to your plugin directory.
  2. Install the plugin in the administration panel.
  3. Check to see that everything is configured to your preference.

#7. GitHub

This plugin can be found on GitHub.

1. Twiebie  2013-07-23 15:43

Nice one!

2. foxhound  2013-07-29 08:29

So, you add an url to a youtube video in a post or page and this plugin will automatically make it an embedded video?
Same with images? All you need is to put the url to an image in a post/page and this gets changed to an embedded image automatically?

But, I do not userstand why one time you can just add the link and the other time you need to use the embed bbcode.

Or maybe I am just dumb but can you shine some light on that? I read the oEmbed page but I am still a bit confused.


3. Xerora  2013-07-29 18:00

You are correct.


If you put a URL on it's own line, it automatically gets embeded. URLs do not automatically produce embeded content unless they are on their own line.


If you wrap the URL in the BBCode, you can embed content inside paragraphs, and well basically anywhere. These can be on their own line or not.


If you didn't wrap the URL in a BBCode and the URL is inside a line of text, it won't get embeded. The reason for the BBCode is to not embed URLs in text bodies that weren't originally intended, that may also produce wierd looking posts. The BBCode also allows you to use height and width attributes.

4. foxhound  2013-07-30 08:18

Ahh, now I get. Yes that is very nice. Thanks for taking the time to explain some more :)

5. Macik  2013-09-03 20:26


I Had the same idea for plug but with local defined providers.

6. Kopusha  2023-04-26 09:30

После изменений в API youtube в oembed.functions стоит для ютуба изменить протокол на https
http://www.youtube = https://www.youtube
и тд

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