Twitter bot

twitter bot plugin for Cotonti CMS

#1. Intro

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks, which lives its own life. Today it is considered very important to have your own Twitter feed. But whom will it lead? How would she live? After all, it takes a lot of the time.

#2. Features

Our Twitter plugin is based on the class of David Grudl, it is able to:

  • Show your feed on the main page, allowing you to display: backlit feed options (all the links are closed from indexation), date, tweet, tweet author info.
  • Allow you to adjust various feed display modes: my tweets, my tweets and friends, mentions.
  • Add tweets about new pages in the automatic (once you add the article) and the manual mode (when filling twitter field), adding the links to an article (with a URL shortener service

#3. ​Usage

1. Sign in to the and register an application from the page. Click on Create My Access Token link and retrieve your own access token. Now you have consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret. BTW, Your app should have read&write permissions.
2. Install plugin and put the data above in Plugin settings.
3. Place {TWITTER} tag in index.tpl
4. Place {TWITTER_TEXT} tag in page.add.tpl
5. Enjoy

1. Kingsley  2012-04-26 12:53

Nice.. Thx!

2. diablo  2012-05-01 18:30

any live demos ?

3. elfrenazo  2012-05-02 23:11
thanks, downloading and testing
4. elfrenazo  2012-05-03 05:03
This works perfectly well this plugin very comfortable :)
5. Collos2  2012-06-25 15:44

Установил, но как его отобразить на главной странице сайта???

6. esclkm  2012-06-27 19:58


7. musashi9  2012-10-25 04:23

I get this error only on my index after installing | 0.9.11

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log

8. musashi9  2012-10-25 05:08

Never mind fixed now.  I didn't set up my twitter properly

My tweets on the index have no style to them how do I add html line breaks ect...

9. musashi9  2012-10-26 06:29

How do I exclude NEWS from being tweeted ?

10. musashi9  2012-10-27 23:29

I think it would be cool  for future updates of this plugin, to have an option in the page create page to


+ Text postfix window to type text for this new page.


So users can decide what pages will be tweeted

11. Chiaroscuro  2014-02-11 06:14

Обновил и:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'TwitterException' with message 'Server error #403' ...

12. Chiaroscuro  2014-02-11 09:03

Нашел баг, обновите файлы от сюда



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