Cotonti Shop

Cotonti Shop package enables you to build and manage an e-Commerce website based on the Cotonti Genoa with the following capabilities:

  • build and maintain goods catalog
  • offer discounts for the goods (with discount % and "You save" tags)
  • automated nested category navigation
  • output goods by attribute (new arrivals, popular, discounted items)
  • filter, sort and NN items per page
  • build and maintain brends catalog
  • order items using AJAX-assisted shopping cart
  • manage orders via a standalone shop admin panel
  • store purchase history for each customer
  • store wishlist
  • export templated list of all or selected goods into any text format (xml, csv, txt)
  • global currency switcher with automated or manual input of currency rates

The package is built using Cotonti Genoa 0.6.13 (with coTemplate template engine) and a set of plugins providing e-shop operation.
The goods database is based on the page database which allows using SE-friendly URLs as well as standard Tags and Search plugins along with the comments and rating. The categories can be listed in the sitemap and RSS subscriptions are available for a specific category or for the complete goods database.

Описание Cotonti Shop по-русски

#1. Cotonti Shop Screenshots:

We do not negotiate pricing and/or conditions in the comments. If you have an e-commerce requirement, please contact us at:
Мы не обсуждаем цену и/или условия использования пакета в комментариях. Если у Вас есть серьезное предложение по созданию интернет-магазина на базе Cotonti, свяжитесь с нами через контактную форму

16. Aragorn-pc  2013-05-08 13:47

You'r mail adress?

17. Raylandar  2016-04-08 14:08

I think you missed a marketing opportunity here. I would do what WooCommerce has done and make the base plugin free, documented and easy to install with one or two payment prcessors (paypal + cash or something) and shipping model such as UPS and post mail, and make additional modules, for payment processors, billng and shipping cost extra.  Additionally you could sell themes, offically supported theme by (, make minor tweaks, sell subscription service for updates to your themes / plugin modules on an anual subscription basis.


Just my thoughts, as your code is solid and contonti is awesome and has tons of untapped potential.


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