Cotonti Shop

Cotonti Shop package enables you to build and manage an e-Commerce website based on the Cotonti Genoa with the following capabilities:

  • build and maintain goods catalog
  • offer discounts for the goods (with discount % and "You save" tags)
  • automated nested category navigation
  • output goods by attribute (new arrivals, popular, discounted items)
  • filter, sort and NN items per page
  • build and maintain brends catalog
  • order items using AJAX-assisted shopping cart
  • manage orders via a standalone shop admin panel
  • store purchase history for each customer
  • store wishlist
  • export templated list of all or selected goods into any text format (xml, csv, txt)
  • global currency switcher with automated or manual input of currency rates

The package is built using Cotonti Genoa 0.6.13 (with coTemplate template engine) and a set of plugins providing e-shop operation.
The goods database is based on the page database which allows using SE-friendly URLs as well as standard Tags and Search plugins along with the comments and rating. The categories can be listed in the sitemap and RSS subscriptions are available for a specific category or for the complete goods database.

Описание Cotonti Shop по-русски

#1. Cotonti Shop Screenshots:

We do not negotiate pricing and/or conditions in the comments. If you have an e-commerce requirement, please contact us at:
Мы не обсуждаем цену и/или условия использования пакета в комментариях. Если у Вас есть серьезное предложение по созданию интернет-магазина на базе Cotonti, свяжитесь с нами через контактную форму

1. tensh  2010-12-17 14:55
Does it include nice urls support?
2. Kort  2010-12-17 18:02
It does: we use page and list modules.
3. elfrenazo  2010-12-18 14:32
Hi, I wonder if this plugin costs money to get to my website? Thanks
4. Kort  2010-12-18 18:22
elfrenazo: Yes, it does cost money. However, we can offer various conditions, so if you seriously need an e-shop, contact us at
5. Spy  2010-12-30 13:57
В плагине есть опция сравнения товаров по характеристикам?
Does it have compare option of goods?
6. Kort  2011-01-01 00:15
Это реализуется отдельным плагином и при условии заполнения необходимых экстраполей.
Comparing goods is available via a separate plugin provided required extrafields are filled out.
7. Spy  2011-01-04 04:30
Есть демка вместе с этим плагином?
8. Kort  2011-01-04 21:09
9. Chip  2011-01-11 09:31
I have contacted you but not yet to receive a reply. Will the support be handled at Seditio.By? Will it be in English?
10. Kort  2011-01-11 14:28
Chip I haven't received any messages signed by you. Yes, we will provide support in English, including transition of the package to Siena.
11. Oughtem  2011-01-14 21:48
Сколько стоит?
12. Chip  2011-01-15 11:56
Here is my eMail address:
13. Kort  2011-01-18 22:17
Chip e-mail sent
14. :webelementz:  2011-02-15 11:09
This eCommerce Shop System is excellent! It makes great use of the Contonti pages structure and is VERY easy to add/manage products. Even the default skin is nice! I highly recommend this to anyone that is looking for a complete customizable eCommerce store with the added benefit of the lightweight and insane fast Contonti engine!
15. staleo  2011-09-25 22:20

Так непонятно, а почему бы не выложить демку в открытый доступ?

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