Cotonti Genoa 0.6.7

#1. What's new in 0.6.7

  • markItUp! editor updated to, fixes a bug present in 1.1.6
  • RSS: relative links are made absolute (for better feed burners support), RSS icons are now valid XHTML, pages are accessed by aliases, a bug with RSS cache is fixed
  • Corrected "&" output in titles
  • Support for custom validation and $_SESSION['cot_user_id'] for use in third-party scripts
  • Upgradeable from Seditio v126 and Seditio v130
See Trac report for more details.

#1.1. Updating from 0.6.6

Just replace these files with updated files:

View source changes from 0.6.6

1. Kingsley  2010-03-02 21:51
what's changed in page.add.tpl??
2. 3axap  2010-03-02 22:25
Tnx for update!

Kingsley, here
3. motor2hg  2010-03-02 22:32
Tnx for update!
4. Kingsley  2010-03-02 23:05
thanks 3axap
5. pieter  2010-03-03 05:14
@Kingsley: Now you can choose the parse-methode when you add a page (html). Before you needed to create the page and edit it again to change it. See ticket
6. Trustmaster  2010-03-03 08:20
Exactly, added
<!-- BEGIN: ADMIN -->
<!-- END: ADMIN -->
7. Spy  2010-03-11 09:20
I create new site with this release and got errors in header:
Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in /var/www/user/data/www/ on line 4522

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in /var/www/user/data/www/ on line 4522

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in /var/www/user/data/www/ on line 4522

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in /var/www/user/data/www/ on line 4522

When I replaced functions.php with old version 0.6.6, errors is disappeared.
8. Boss  2010-03-14 12:38
Updated. All ok. Thanks!
9. tensh  2010-03-31 16:17
It's such a pleasure to download Cotonti. Lightweight code, enormous possibilities :)
10. foxhound  2010-05-05 18:39
Could it be you can no longer edit your comments since 0.6.7?

Hmm, here it works.
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