Copy sql/patch-0.0.6.txt, save it in your site root as patch.php, run in web browser like http://your-domain.tld/patch.php and then remove patch.php from your site.
P.S. Check all your language files for UTF-8 BOM marks and remove them (I use for this Total Commander and "compare by content" functionality, followed by "edit mode"), I noticed they mess up with the interpretation of tpls in some browsers, mainly Internet Explorer.
Thanked: 263 times
Thanked: 9 times
Verify your skin with the sed-light version.
Thanked: 3 times
Apply SQL patches from sql/updates/0.0.6: sql_r813,826,830,831 ?
Thanked: 12 times
What exactly you think is not right in skin?
P.S. Check all your language files for UTF-8 BOM marks and remove them (I use for this Total Commander and "compare by content" functionality, followed by "edit mode"), I noticed they mess up with the interpretation of tpls in some browsers, mainly Internet Explorer.
Что это и как лечить?
Get the same error as the guy above after updating to 0.0.6 when going to admin panel. Help please
Thanked: 9 times
Look at the structure of sed-light