#1. What's new in 0.6.1
- New version checkinng admin.php (will notify you of Cotonti Updates)
- Fixed polls display
- Fixed a bug in search plugin
- User birthdate in future is not allowed anymore
- Fixed FTP urls in page downloads
- Fixed Admin/Page/Structure display
- Added group ID in Admin/Users
- XTemplate 2.1 with pre-cache and space insensetiveness
- Fixed referers bug
- Support for multiple ratings on the same page
- A button to select all PMs
- Radio buttons for extra fields and a few extra fields improvements
- BBcode editor for user text in user profiles
- HTML-cache applied on comments
- sed_cc() is now deprecated, use htmlspecialchars() directly instead
Trac report for more details.
#1.1. Updating from 0.0.6
- Add these options to your datas/config.php:
$cfg['xtpl_cache'] = TRUE; // Enable XTemplate structure disk cach
$cfg['html_cleanup'] = TRUE; // Wipe extra spaces and breaks from HTML to get smaller footprint
$cfg['cache_dir'] = './datas/cache';
- Add directories datas/cache and datas/cache/templates, make them writable for PHP (i.e. CHMOD 777).
- Upload new files.
- Run SQL patch: sql/patch-0.0.6-0.6.1.sql
- Ratings need an update, so be sure to udpdate:
* skins/YOUR_SKIN/ratings.tpl - copy contents from sed-light skin
* your skin CSS - replace ratings styles with new stiles from sed-light.css, that section starts with
/* ============== Ratings CSS ============== */
Files changed from 0.0.6:
Changes in skins from 0.0.6 to 0.6.1
Thanked: 1 time
Thanked: 2 times
Thanked: 6 times
$cfg['av_dir'] = '.datas/avatars/';
заменить на
$cfg['av_dir'] = './datas/avatars/';
а то не грузит аватары:)