Cotonti Siena 0.9.22 released

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What's new:

  • Force HTTPS. If you are using HTTPS but for some reason it is not detected automatically, enable this option in config.php
  • Ability to add attributes to included JS/CSS files via the Resources class
  • Refactored and ordered icons and resources that use them
  • Detailed information about PHP installed on the server (phpinfo) has been added to the admin panel
  • CKEditor updated to version 4.20.2
  • Minor admin panel update
  • Fixed some missing lines in language files
  • There is still some code that is not adapted to php 8.1. But there is less and less of it. In this release, we continued to work on this.
  • Fixed some bugs.

The 'Table Of Contents' plugin has also been updated

There are some breaking changes and new tags in tpl files. Read more on the release page.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the work on this release, programming and testing: KortDayver, webitproffKabak and Alex300


For more detailed info see:

Learn more, download and upgrade

1. Kabak  20. März 2023, 19:02

Админка как-то приятнее стала выглядеть или показалось ?


На мобильнике нет иконок CKEditor  только форма и кнопка submit

2. webitproff  20. März 2023, 20:04

Обсждаем релиз, плюсы и минусы, ошибки, недостатки и преимущества, а также более подробно знакомимся с новейшим релизом Cotonti Siena v.0.9.22

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