Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / [Request]Writing Extensions

#1 12. Dezember 2012, 21:04

Hey guys, I'm wondering if there are any resources or basic guides on writing simple extensions/plugins.  Is there perhaps a "Sample" plugin that helps a enthusiast like me get started?  I have a couple of pretty good ideas I want to try out.

#2 12. Dezember 2012, 21:10


I would suggest to start reading all of the documentation that is available on the website here.

Especially these are definitely recommended for developing:

Another thing that is definitely good practice is browsing through other plugins' code.
Check out some plugins on GitHub and see how others do it. Guys like Trustmaster have a whole list of repositories on GitHub.

Good luck! :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Twiebie (am 13. Dezember 2012, 01:50, vor 12 Jahre) bearbeitet
#3 12. Dezember 2012, 21:14

I was thinking maybe some pre-made module and plugin templates might be useful for new developers and old.

#4 12. Dezember 2012, 22:44

Thank you for the links.  I'll be checking them out and hopefully start adding some more extensions for people to use.

#5 12. Dezember 2012, 22:48
#36523 lukgoh:

I was thinking maybe some pre-made module and plugin templates might be useful for new developers and old.

this.. <3


#6 13. Dezember 2012, 05:14

Macik has made an extension template plugin for generating new plugins and modules.

There's also esclkm's CotontiDevTool which is capable of generating new plugins (the page is in Russian but the program supports English).

And if you use SublimeText2, sublime-cotonti package might be helpful.

May the Source be with you!