Foren / Cotonti / Support / Script Version

#1 5. April 2011, 12:07

Is there an easy way to find what version of Genoa i'm currently using on my site...i think i'm up to 0.6.13 but i'm not sure.  Want to upgrade a replicated version of the site to Siena.


my admin console is still showing 

Version (Revision) / Database 0.6.5(r1575) / 0.6.5

Which i know isn't right.


#2 5. April 2011, 12:46

What it tells is that your system/functions.php file is from 0.6.5. 

Enter phpMyAdmin and look at the structure of the table `sed_structure`. If its `structure_path` field has max length of 255 characters instead of 16, then you're running 0.6.12 or above, so you can upgrade to 0.6.15 or Siena directly.

May the Source be with you!
#3 5. April 2011, 12:51

awesome thanks