Foren / Cotonti / General / [Question] user tracking ?

#1 1. August 2010, 18:28
is there a plugin that shows how long user have been on the site (total time) and how many posts some one has and can be shown in the user profile?

checked the tags repository, but couldn't find any tags for this..

We would like to use this as a reference for group promotions on our site.
#2 1. August 2010, 19:57
I guess you can use this: {PHP.usr.profile.user_postcount}, but you need to check it.

Added 2 minutes later:

I checked it and it gives the total of the user that is logged in.

Is there somewhere a list of all variables we can use?

Added 1 minute later:

You can use this: {USERS_DETAILS_POSTCOUNT} and it works.

Added 1 minute later:

it is missing in:
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#3 1. August 2010, 21:27
thx Pieter..

i suspect something like total time just doesn't exsists?
#4 1. August 2010, 22:01
I think is not logged in the database.
If you want it, a plugin needs to be written.

But I don't see the purpose of it.
If I login and let the page over for 6 hours. I got a time of 6 hours and did nothing on the site.
I think postcount is a better way.
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#5 2. August 2010, 14:50
If you put it like that, I agree. thank anyway for your swift reactions :)