Foren / Cotonti / Support / Wowhead code

#1 4. Juli 2010, 20:44
Hi, I am moving my site from Sedito to Cotonti, and for the life of me I can not get Wowhead tool tips working.

I added the javascript to the header tag
when I call my custom tag [wowitem]
it points to something like
<a href="" class="q3" rel="gems=23121&amp;ench=2647&amp;pcs=25695:25696:25697">[Felstalker Bracers]</a>


When it gets parsed I get
['\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]{1})\]([^\[]*)'\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]{1})\]([^\[]*)'\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]{1})\]([^\[]*)'\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]{1})\]([^\[]*)'\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]{1})\]([^\[]*)'\[\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',\[/item\]' => '\3',=([0-9]*)\]\[q=([0-9]] 

the pre code actually lead me to this site

end wowitem
\\[/item\\]' => '<a class="q\\3"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#2 7. Juli 2010, 18:59
Did it work in Seditio?
Link us the plugin for download, if it is a plugin.
#3 10. Juli 2010, 15:57
we have wowhead working on our site:
link to their script: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

for wowhead:

bbcode = item
<a href="$1">$2</a>
bbcode = item
<a class="q$2" href="$1">$3</a>

it uses this code on the forums:
[item=2770]Copper Ore[/item]
Or for with Colors
[item=33431][q=0]icesmashing Mace[/item]
[item=2770][q=1]Copper Ore[/item]
[item=43929][q=2]Vile's Uglystick[/item]
[item=44244][q=3]Argent Skeleton Crusher[/item]
[item=22691][q=4]Corrupted Ashbringer[/item]
[item=17182][q=5]Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros[/item]
[item=42943][q=6]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item]

or you can just directly link a url to the item and the tooltip will show.

we also have code for mmo champion, which i'll post if you want it.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von fraze (am 10. Juli 2010, 16:52, vor 13 Jahre) bearbeitet