Foren / Cotonti / Support / 3 issues

#1 11. März 2010, 16:52

i have 3 issues which I'm not able to move. It would be grateful if somebody could help me.

1. i have a trouble with news plug-in. I don't know why but my news are sorted by alphabetic instead date/time inserting. I spend bunch of time to find why it is with no result.

site is

2. is there a possibility to set limit for members to uploading file(s) to "site file space" ? My files space can't be share with other members :-(.

3. files with extension .php can not be upload to My Files or Site Files. I understand is should not be run but why is not allow to upload? Is there a reason for that.

Than you very much for any answer.
Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
#2 11. März 2010, 18:03
1. goto: admin.php?m=page&s=catorder
(admin - pages - Set a default sorting order for the categories)

2. goto: admin.php?m=users
Click on the group you want to change.
- Max size for a single file in Personal File Space (KB)
- Max size of all files together in Personal File Space (KB)

3. A PHP-files can be ran if uploaded to your site. This can be a security problem. That's why it is not allowed by default.
If you want no check for the type of file.
Goto: admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=pfs change No Mimetype Pass
... can we help you ...

Dieser Beitrag wurde von pieter (am 11. März 2010, 18:30, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet
#3 11. März 2010, 19:05
1. uf i was in the menu few times but didn't realize this is the right one ;-) - sorry.

2. so the same File space in (KB) is for My files and for Site files. It means that member has double space then i set up. (e.g. if i set 1024 KB - member has 1024 KB for My files and 1024 KB for Site files.

3. I understand security reason but php extension can not be upload even i change:
admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=pfs change No Mimetype Pass ("yes" nor "no"), but is it OK.

Thank you very much
Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
#4 11. März 2010, 21:16
I though the "site files" was only accessable by admins via admin panel
... can we help you ...
#5 12. März 2010, 20:13
Site files is indeed only for administrators. For users there is no such thing. I normally enable file sharing by enabling 'public' on a folder and using a plugin to display/list public files.

Uploading .php files is disabled and not recommended, EVER. Change the extension to .phps (s for source) or .txt if you really want to share .php files. Alternatively you can put them in a zip/rar.
You can add allowed file extensions in datas/extensions.php
#6 12. März 2010, 21:27
# Koradhil : ...I normally enable file sharing by enabling 'public' on a folder and using a plugin to display/list public files...
But, your plugin is only capable to list/display files or it can also put a link near the markitup box (or file input fields, like for photos or avatars in user profile, near the actual pfs links) to give other people the ability to link other members files in their pages?
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#7 12. März 2010, 22:24
Do you have a url to this plugin ???
I do not know this one

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#8 21. März 2010, 06:01
Thank you very much for all your answers. Could you specific one more "and using a plugin to display/list public files" . Unfortunately I'm not able to find the plugin. Thank
Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
#9 24. März 2010, 01:35
That's because I never released it. I put it online for download here.
#10 28. März 2010, 22:05
Thank you very much it is fantastic :-).
Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.