Foren / Cotonti / Support / double news posts

#1 10. Februar 2010, 17:29
For some reason a new newsitems appears as a duplicate when I first submit them.
The only thing different between the posts are the page IDs.

I have no idea why this happens, i can only tell you that this started after I updated to the latest version of Cotonti.
#2 10. Februar 2010, 19:45
Can you show some screenshots illustrating the problem?
May the Source be with you!
#3 10. Februar 2010, 20:15
if you go to you will see what i mean
If made a test item, and you will see it twice on the frontpage.

Added 3 hours 35 minutes later:

renewed als the cotonti files and the problem is gone now..

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Kingsley (am 10. Februar 2010, 23:51, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet