Foren / Cotonti / Support / How to fix User Wall (possible bug in Cotonti)?

#1 31. Januar 2010, 01:26

I stumbled upon a strange bug, probably in Cotonti, when exploring the plugin User's Walls:

I checked both versions.
The bug occurs only when being an admin (so most probably when having admin rights for comments part). Instead of writing a comment or rating with a proper, plugin-defined code uYYY, it adds both rating and comment to the last added page (writes a comment with comment code pXXX, not with the plugin-defined code uYYY). It does so even though the comment code seems to be OK (checked with COMMENT_CODE tag, which displays the correct code in user details).

And for rating, the sed_build_ratings() function doesn't output the javascript at all.

I'm clueless as how to solve it. It means that nobody from users can post on my wall and also I can't post on my wall.


Also, one more thing, but for FAQ plugin: it displays the following warning when editing rights for a group:

Warning: Missing argument 4 for sed_rights_parseline(), called in /home/xxx/plugins/faq/faq.admin.rights.end.php on line 43 and defined in /home/xxx/system/core/admin/ on line 143

For the above, it is:

	$adminmain .= sed_rights_parseline($row, $title, $link);
And probably should be:
	$adminmain .= sed_rights_parseline($row, $title, $link, $name);
#2 31. Januar 2010, 01:42
There is Userwall discussion thread. Why not reporting bugs there?
Request topic removal - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#3 31. Januar 2010, 04:07
After further investigation, i came to conclusion that User Wall plugin is interferred by User's Latest Pages plugin. I'll post info here:

I request the thread to be closed.