Foren / Cotonti / Support / Start with error..

SQL error

#1 8. Dezember 2009, 02:46

I have a problem with MySQL.
Fatal error: SQL error: Unknown column 'page_' in 'order clause'
I just installed latest version of cotonti-0.6.5!

I found the problem on the start page after trying to enter subcategories.

There someone who can tell me why cerned?
I saw that others have the same problem but there are few clear answers.

#2 8. Dezember 2009, 02:59
have you added the right sql-file?
Maybe give us a link to the site.
... can we help you ...
#3 8. Dezember 2009, 03:38
Check the settings from news plugin.
#4 8. Dezember 2009, 04:16
The problem was in changing the name of news.
Not switch automatically in news-plug-in (setings) when it is changed.
Thank you.

Another question..
The pach must be installed manually or are already included with the new version? In Mysql files .. .. because I have many files in the sql folders, as: patch-0.0.1-0.0.2, patch-125-n-0.0.1 ..
And folders /updates/0.0.2 - 0.6.3 ecc..
#5 8. Dezember 2009, 04:43
patches are for upgrades only. use cotonti-0.6.3.sql for a fresh install - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#6 8. Dezember 2009, 06:40
Yes, I have already done so.
Thank you.

Added 4 days later:

Another question :-)

How i can add polls on section - page.php or list.php example..

I tried but without success, I do not understand the structure still..

Dieser Beitrag wurde von dexe (am 13. Dezember 2009, 02:29, vor 14 Jahre) bearbeitet
#7 14. Dezember 2009, 09:27
same here - I also don't understand. I did a fresh install with the latest version download. Used the 6.3 sql file to load it in in phpadmin,
loaded correct [no errors given], but, I get fatal error that a table coton.sed_config does not exist.
my db name is coton. So, where do I need to fix this?
And - yes, updating is another confusing thing. I installed many scripts but never had to update a db manually. I don't know enough about db's. Plus, whoch one do I need to use with a clean 6.05 install?
am assuming that it should be the one in the 6.05 folder/latest update sql file, or does it have to be the patch file?

I looked through all the videos too - there is nothing really explained for someone that does not have the know-how to manually create or update db's.

And with my luck - no one is around sunday evening.:(

Appreciate help - thank you.
where is it written that all our dreams must be small ones...
#8 14. Dezember 2009, 16:04