Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / WYSIWYG Editor


#1 3. September 2008, 15:48
WYSIWYG Editor 1.0
Work plugin for Seditio.

Not compete.
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#2 3. September 2008, 15:52
Thanks for submitting. I will try it when I have time. What problems have you found in it?
May the Source be with you!
#3 3. September 2008, 15:57
# Trustmaster : What problems have you found in it?
Not correctly work any extraBBCodes.
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#4 3. September 2008, 17:04
Loved the simplicity of it, but it positions everything "center", for now.
#5 3. September 2008, 20:29
Oh great, working tinymce. Thanks, will try it out very soon!
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#6 20. Januar 2009, 02:46
New beta version full WYSIWYG Editor for bbcodes.
Please test.

Code spoiler not work now.
For english language change ru to en in fckconfig.js.
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#7 20. Januar 2009, 03:13
	var sBasePath = '/plugins/fckeditor/' ;

This is wrong. You should use the standard protocol. Other than that, it is even better than first one.

You do really great job in this one, and this WYSWYGE is really something we need.
#8 20. Januar 2009, 03:54
# oc :
	var sBasePath = '/plugins/fckeditor/' ;
This is wrong.
Change to:
var sBasePath = './plugins/fckeditor/' ;
archiv reload.
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#9 20. Januar 2009, 04:43
Still not true. You're missing $cfg['plugins_dir']
#10 20. Januar 2009, 04:47
# oc : Still not true. You're missing $cfg['plugins_dir']

var sBasePath = '{$cfg['plugins_dir']}/fckeditor/' ;

This is ok ?
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Dieser Beitrag wurde von Ratibor (am 20. Januar 2009, 05:18, vor 16 Jahre) bearbeitet
#11 20. Januar 2009, 05:42
It is.
#12 20. Januar 2009, 05:43
# oc : It is.
Change and reload
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#13 20. Januar 2009, 05:58
Works for me.

I think this may be our latest big bomb before the 0.0.2 release. If stability can be proved, I can make this like "optional standard editor". It would be perfect.

Hmm, with the latest news, is it possible you can finish this, (you say beta, I get it, and because this is all plugin it makes everything easier) before our release ? Maybe like in Jan 23 or sth like that?

Dieser Beitrag wurde von oc (am 20. Januar 2009, 06:03, vor 16 Jahre) bearbeitet
#14 20. Januar 2009, 06:04
MarkitUp! will be our standard default editor for now, but of course if done right any editor can easily replace it. Then people have options.

Actually I have plans on some things i've learned recently to turn MarkItUp into having WYSIWYG functionality, along with bbcode option. Similar to how Vbulletin does it. I just wont' have any time for any such thing untill after release sometime.
#15 20. Januar 2009, 06:11
I don't know whats your plans or on your mind but I think this editor Ratibor did (or modified-doesn't matter) is excellent. It has BBCode old style support, it is a reliable editor, language support and a plugin, we don't have to include it core, we can just include it to our release package...
